Peter Singer does not support such theory of moral relativity. Many people think that ethics is society-leading, which people live in society. In a sense, this is true and in the other sense it is false. We have already discussed that according to the objective moral doctrine, a work is considered to be right or good for its results in a particular situation, but in other circumstances it is considered an inappropriate or bad deed because the results of the work are bad. For example, if the risk of raising infestation, casual sexual intercourse will be considered inappropriate, as it is likely to cause contraception. However, the same sexual intercourse is not considered an inappropriate action by taking contraceptive systems, because it is not likely to cause pregnancy. Here, the pleasure and disadvantage of sexual activity ie relative. According to Singer, this, however, is a superficial form of relativis. The illustration only indicates that a rule, such as ‘casual sex is wrong’, is a place-time ; In a certain state, the rule does not say anything about whether it is objectively valid or not. But the routine sexual intercourse of the husband and wife included the widespread rules of sexual sexual intercourse— “To do such things so that the amount of happiness increases and sadness decreases” (do what increases happiness and reduces suffering) – The issue of good and evil is considered neutral by acknowledging its own value.