The Little Girl
Thinking about the Text
1. Given below are some emotions that kezia felt. Match the emotions In column A with the items in column B.

II Answer the Following question in one as two sentence
1. why was Kezia afraid of her father?
Ans: Kezia was afraid of her father because he always gives her terrifying look over his spectacle and extremely strict and commanding by nature.
(কেজিয়াই দেউতাকক ভয় কৰিছিল কাৰণ তেঁও সদায় তেখেতক খঙেৰে চাইছিল আৰু কঠোৰ শাসন কৰাৰ লগতে তেখেতৰ ব্যৱহাৰ আদেশ সূচক আছিল)
2. Who were the people in Kezia family?
Ans: Kezia’s family comprised her father, mother and grand-mother and herself.
(কেজিয়াৰ পৰিয়ালত তাইৰ দেউতাক,মাক,আইতাক আৰু তাই আছিল)
3. what was Kezia father’s rautine?
(I) Before going in his office?
(ii) After coming back from his office?
(iii) On Sunday?
Ans: (i) Before going to office ,Kezia’s father would come to Kezia’s room and give her a goodbye kiss.
(অফিচলৈ যোৱাৰ পূৰ্বে দেউতাকে কেজিয়াক শুৱনি কোঠাত আহি চুমা দি যায়)
(ii)After coming back from his office, he would order his tea to be brought to the drawing room and would ask his mother to get his papers and slippers.
(অফিচৰ পৰা আহি কেজিয়াৰ দেউতাকে চাহ বিচাৰে আৰু মাকক বাতৰি কাকত আৰু চেন্দেলযোৰ আনি দিবলৈ কয়।)
(iii) On Sunday ,he would take rest. He would enjoy sound sleep on the sofa.
(দেওঁবাৰে তেখেতে জিৰনি লয়, আৰু চোফাত পৰি ভালদৰে টোপনি মাৰে।)
4. In what ways did Keziy’s grandmother encourage. her to get to know her father better?
III Discuss these question in class with your teacher of then write down your answers in two or three paragraphs each.
1. Kezia’s efforts to please her father resulted in displeasing him very much. How this happen?
Answer: Kezia used to be afraid of her father because of his strict and rude nature. One day grandmother told her to make a pin – cushion to gift him on his birthday which was approaching. Kezia took it an opportunity to please him. So, she stitched cotton cloth three sides and looked for the things that could be stuffed into the stitched cloth. Soon she found out many sheets of paper, Actually they contained her father’s speech for the port Authority. She tore them into pieces and stuffed her case.
One day when her father looked for the papers, he did not find them. After some time, he came to know that Kezia had turn them into picas to make a pin cushion. He get infuriated and beat her with a ruler. Thus, her efforts to father resulted in displeasing him very much.
কেজিয়াই দেউতাকক ভয় কৰিছিল তেখেতৰ অনুশাসনমূলক স্বাভাৱৰ বাবে এদিন আইতাকে তাইক দেউতাকৰ বাবে সন্মদিনত উপহাৰ দিবৰ বাবে কুছন বনাবলৈ কৈছিল। কেজিয়াই এই সুযোগ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিছিল দেউতাকৰ মৰম লগাবৰ বাবে। কুছন বনাবৰ বাবে তাই কটনৰ কাপোৰ চিলাইছিল আৰু কুছনৰ ভিতৰত ভৰাবলৈ পুৰণা কাপোৰ বিচাৰি আছিল। সেই বাতৰি কাকতবোৰত দেউতাক পট’অথ’ৰিটিৰ বক্তাবোৰ আছিল। আৰু তাই নজনাকৈয়ে সেইবোৰ ফালি কুছনৰ বিতৰত ভৰাই দিছিল।
তাৰ পিছত দেউতাকে এদিন পেপাৰ খিনি বিচাৰি নাপাই সেইখিনি কেজিয়াই কুছনৰ ভিতৰত ভৰাই পেলালে বুলি জানি তঁওৰ বৰ খঙ উঠিল। ইয়াৰ পাছত তেওঁ তাইক চিটিপনিৰে পিতিলে। এইদৰে কেজিয়াৰ চেষ্টা অৱকল হ’ল।
2. Kezia decides that there are “different kinds of fathers” . What kind of father was Mr. Macdonald, and how was he different from Kezia’s father?
Ans:- In Kezia’s opinion, her father was very harsh. He did not talk to her affectionately but rather he used to speak to her stringently. So she a vided him and never wanted to be in front of him. She was afraid of him.
Macdonald family lived next door to her house. One evening she saw him playing tag with his children. A baby was on his shoulders and two little girls were hanging on to his coat pockets. They were laughing. Also she saw some boys turn the house on Macdonald and he tried to catch them laughing all the time. She found them feel friendly with father . So, she coursed if her father were like them.
(কেজিয়াৰ মতে, তাইৰ দেউতাক বৰ খঙাল তেখেতে কেতিয়াও মৰমৰে তাইৰ লগত কথা নাপাতে বৰং অচিনাকী মানুহৰ দৰে খঙত কথা পাৰিছিল।সেয়ে তাই দেউতাকক আওকাণ কৰে আ্ৰৰু কেতিয়াও তেঁওৰ সন্মূখলৈ আহিব নিবিচাৰিছিল । তাই দেউতাকক ষথেষ্ট ভয় কৰিছিল ।
মেকড’নেল্ড পৰিয়ালটো কেজিয়াহঁতৰ কাষতে আছিল । এদিন তাই দেখিছিল আবেলি মেকড’নেল্ডে নিজৰ ল’ৰা ছোৱালীৰ লগত খেলি থকা দেখিছিল । কেঁছুৱা এটা তেওঁৰ কান্ধত আছিল আৰু বাকী শিশু দুটা তেওঁৰ কুটৰ পকেটত ওলমি আছিল । সিহঁতে হাঁহি আছিল । তেনেতে দেখিলে কেইটামান ল’ৰাই মেকড’নেল্ডৰ ঘৰৰ ফালে গৈছিল আৰু তেখেতে সিহঁতকো হাঁহি হাঁহি ধৰিবলৈ যত্ন কৰিছিল । তাই অনুভৱ কৰিলে সিহঁতৰ দেউতাকৰ স্বভাৱ বন্ধুত্ব সুলভ। তাই বিচাৰিছিল নিজৰ দেউতাকো তেনে হোৱাটো ।
3. How does Kezia begin to see her father as a human being who needs her sympathy ?
Ans: One night kezia had a nightmare which made her too terrified. She was enjoying out of fear . When she wake up , she found her father beside her bed with a candle in his hand. He asked her what the matter was when he came to know about her nightmare he blew out the candle , bent down and caught up the child in his arms. He carried her to the big bedroom . He laid her on the bed pulled the covers up around her . A part from this he lay down beside her . After some time still half asleep . she crept close to he snuggled her head under his arm held tightly to his shift . Now she felt comfortable. Her father told her to rub her feet against his legs to get them warm . Now Kezia realized that her father was not as harsh as she thought . She realized that her father had to work all day long and got so tired that he could not play with her . She realized that her father wanted her to understand his compulsion.
এদিন কেজিয়াই ৰাতি এটা সপোন দেখিছিল যিয়ে তাইক ভয় খুৱাই পেলাইছিল । তাই সেই ভয়ৰ মাজতো উপভোগ কৰিছিলে ।শুৱাৰ পৰা উঠি কেজিয়াই দেউতাকে হাতত মম লৈ তাইৰ কাষত বহি থকা দেখিছিল । দেউতাকে তাইক কি হ’ল সুধিলে । ইয়াৰ পাছত তাইৰ সপোনটোৰ কথা জানিব পাৰি মমডাল নুমুৱাই তাইক নিজৰ দুবাহুৰ মাজত সুমুৱাই ল’লে । তাৰ পাছত তাইক ডাঙৰ শুৱনি কোঠাটোলৈ লৈ গৈ, বিচনাত শুৱা কাপোৰেৰে তাইৰ গাটো ঢাকি দিলে আৰু নিজেও তাইৰ কাষত শুই পৰিলে ।
অলপ সময়ৰ পাছতে তাইৰ দেউতাকৰ কাষ চাপি আহি তেখেতৰ বুকুত মূৰ গুজি সাৱটি মাৰি ধৰিলে । এইদৰে তাই নিৰাপদ অনুভৱ কৰিলে । ইয়াৰ পাছত দেউতাকে তাইক তেখেতৰ ভৰিখনৰ লগত তাইৰ চেঁচা ভৰি দুখন ঘঁহাই গৰম কৰি ল’বলৈ ক’লে , তেতিয়া তাই অনুভৱ কৰিলে যে দেউতাকত ইমান কঠোৰ মনৰ মানুহ নহয় , দেউতাকে গোটেই দিন কাম কৰি ভাগৰি আহে বাবে তাইৰ লগত খেলিবলৈ সময় নাপায় ।