Leonardo da Vinci | Chapter 12 | Class 7 English Chapter 12 Question And Answer Jatiya Bidyalay | Class 7 English Chapter 12 Solution AJB |

Leonardo da Vinci

Chapter 12


1) Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

a) When was Leonardo Da Vinci born?

Answer: Leonardo Da Vinci born on 15 April 1452.

b) Where did Leonardo spend his early years?

Answer: Leonardo spend his early years with his grand- parents.

c) Under whom did Leonardo’s father send him to apprentice?

Answer: Leonardo’s father send him to apprentice under. Andrea did Verrocchio.

d) Name the two masterpieces of Leonardo.

Answer: The two masterpieces are- ‘The mona Lisa” and ‘The last Supper”.

e) What did Leonardo created on the shield?

Answer: Leonardo created a terrifying image of a dragon like monster on the shield.

f) Who was Mona Lisa?

Answer: Mona Lisa was a rice Merchants wife.

g) Where is Mona Lisa preserved now?

Answer: Mona is now preserved at Louvre museum Paris framce.

2) How do you know that Leonardo loved animals?

Answer: Leonardo loved animals that’s why he never ate- meat. He bought caged them free.

3) What did Leonardo do as an anatomist?

Answer: As an anatomist Leonardo disserted animals and humans cadavers to find their mechanism . his notes and drawing of his findings have helped scientist to understand humans anatomy better

Build up your vocabulary


(a letter or group letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning)

i) anti+ national = anti-national

ii) anti+ social = antisocial

iii) auto+ biography = autobiography

iv) co+ operation= co-operation

v) un+ natural = unnatural

vi) un+ able= unable

president= voice- vii) vice+ president

viii) vice+ principal= vice-principal

ix) un+ willing= unwilling

x) ultra+ modern= ultramodern

xi) ultra+ violet= ultraviolet

xii) to+ night= tonight

xiii) supper+ natural= supernatural

xiv) post+mortem= postmortem

xv) mis+ use= misuse

xvii) fore+ father= forefather

xviii) im+possible= impossible

xix) ir+regular= irregular


(a letter or group of letters added to the end of a world make another world)

I) Hunt + er = Hunter

ii read+er=reader

iii) fight+ er= fighter

iv) inform+ ation= information

v) kid+ ness= kindness

vi) work + er = worker

vii) paint + er = painter

viii) speak + er = speaker.

ix) exam + ation= examination

x) il + legal = illegal

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