Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening | Chapter 6 | Class 7 English Chapter 6 Question And Answer Jatiya Bidyalay | Class 7 English Chapter 6 Solution AJB |

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Chapter 6

Answer the following questions.

i) who is the poet of the poem ‘stopping of woods on a Evening’ snowy?

Answer:- Robert frost is the poet of the poem.

ii) where has the speaker stopped?

Answer:- The speaker stopped between the woods and frozen take.

iii) Why does the speaker stop?

Answer:- the speaker speaker stopped because he believe that he knowns of woods, who lives in a village nearby .

iv) what sounds could the narrator hear?

Answer:- The narrator could hear the sounds of wind and the downy flake.

V) what does the speaker mean by ‘promises’?

Answer:- The speaker man that they have many responsibilities that they must perform before they die.

vi) Where does the owner of the woods live?

Answer:- The owner of the woods lives in a village nearly .

vii) find out some rhyming words form the poem.


Author BY- Arup Koch

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