Class 12 English Chapter 3 Short Question Answer | Class 12 English Chapter 3 Short Answer | A INDIGO Short Answer |

1.Who was Rajkumar Shukla?

Ans: RAJKUMAR Shukla was one of the poor sharecropper peasants of Champaran.

2. Strike out What is not true in the following:

(a) Rajkumar Shukla Was

(i) a sharecropper.

(ii) a politician.

(iii) delegate

(iv) a landlord

Ans: (iv) a landlord.

(b) Rajkumar Shukla was:

(i) poor

(ii) physically strong

(iii) illiterate

Ans: (iii) physically strong.

3. Who is the author of the article ‘Indigo’?

Ans Louis Fischer is the author of the article ‘Indigo’.

4.What was the capital of Champaran?

Ans: The capital of Champaran was Motihari.

5. Which country had developed synthetic indigo?

Ans: Germany.

6. To whose house did Rajkumar take Gandhi?

Ans: Rajkumar took Gandhi to the house of rajendra prasad the lawyer.

7.What was the capital of Champaran?

Ans: Motihari.

8. Where did Louis Fischer meet Gandhi first?

Ans: Louis Fischer met Gandhi first in Sevagram Ashram.

9.Whom did Gandihi and Shukla want to meet at patna?

Ans: Gandih and Shukla want to met Rajendra prasad at patna.

10.Where is Champaran?

Ans: Champaran is at the foothill of the Hiamalayas. It is near Nepal and Bihar.

11.Where was Rajkumar Shukla from?

Ans: He was from Champaran in the foot- hills of Himalayas, near Nepal.

12. Where did Shukla meet Gandhi?

Ans Shukla met Gandhi in Lucknow session of National CongressParty.

13.Why did Gandhi rebuke the lawyers?

Ans: Gandhi rebuked the lawyers because they collected heavy fees from the poor share – croppers,

14.Where was Champaran?

Ans: Champaran was in the foothills of the Himalaya, nearthe kingdom of Nepal,

15. Where did Gandhi stay in Muzzafarpur?

Ans: In Muzzafarpur Gandhi stayed at the house of professor Mulkani who was a teacher in a government school.

16. Whom did Gandhi and Shukla want to meet at patna?

Ans: Gandhi and Shukla wanted to meet Rajendra Prashad, a young lawyer at patna.

17. Who was the sole representative in the commission for the farmers?

Ans: Gandhi was the sole representative in the commission for the farmers.

18. How many schools were set up intially under the patronage of Gandhi in Champaran?

Ans: Initially six schools were set up in different villages of Champaran under the patronage of Gandhi.

19.Why did Rajkumar Shukla meet Gandhi?

Ans: Rajkumar Shukla met Gandhi to take him to Champaran for the cause of the share- croppers.

20. List the places that Gandhi visited between his first meeting with Shukla and his arrival at Champaran.

Ans: The places that Gandhi visited before he arrived at Champaran were-Lucknow, Calcutta, Patna, Muzzaffarpur and Motihari.

21. Why is Rajkumar Shukla described as being resolute?

Ans: Rajkumar Shukla wanted to take Gandhi to Chapmparan for the cause of the poor peasant. But Gandhi had engagement to go to many places. But Rajkumar Shukla was determined to take Gandhi anyway. So he fol-lowed Gandhi was free. So Rajkumar was described as resolut.

22.Why did Gandhi choose to go to Muzzafarpur first before going to Champaran?

Ans Gandhi choose to go to Muzzafarpur first because he wanted to collect some infor-mation about the condition of the share- crop- pers. Therefore the lawyers of Muzzafarpur called on Gandhi to brief him.

23.Why do you think the servants thought Gandhi to be another peasant?

Ans: In patna, Shukla led Gandhi to the house of a lawer named Rajendra prasad. The servants knew Shukla to be a poor peasant of Champaran. He often troubled Rajendra prasad to take up the case of the indigo share- crop- pers. So the servants of the household of Rajendra prasad took Gandhi to be another peasant.

24. How did the episode change the plight of the peasants?

Ans: The Champaran episode had changed the plight of the peasants. Previously the landiords behaved as above law. But after the episode the peasants understood that they had rights to defy the landlords. They also learned the event the British planters abandoned the lands. The peasants owned their own land.

25.Why did Gandhi agree to a settle- ment of 25 per cent refund to the farmers?

Ans: At first Gandhi demanded 50 per cent of the amount extorted from the peasants by the Landlords. But the landlords offered to refund only 25 per cent of the amount. Gandhi accepted the offer as he explained that this action lowered the prestige of the landlords in front of the peasants. Along with it, the landlords came to appreciate that the peasants had their rights also.

26.Describe the efforts made by R.K. shukla to persuade Gandhi to go to Champaran.

Ans: Shukla first met Gandhi in the annual convention of Indian National Congress Party held in Lucknow. There, he pleaded Gandhi to visit Champaran in favour of the share-crop-pers. Rajkumar Shukla wanted to take Gandhi to Chapmparan for the cause of the poor peasantss. But Gandhi had engagement to go to many places. Rajkumar Shukla was deter- mined to take Gandhi anyway. So he followed Ghandi wherever Gandhi went. Shukla went with Gandhi to Cawnpore, Ahamedabad, Culcutta and waited till Gandhi. At last Gandhi being impressed by Shukla’s determination and tenacity decided to Visit Champaran.

Thus Rajkumar Shukla persuaded Gandhi to go to Champaran.

27. What was the significance of the Champaran movement?


” The battle or Champaran is won”, Gandhi exclaimed. Explain the context in which this was said.


Why do you think Gandhi considered the Champaran episode to be a turning point in his life?


What was the incident that promoted Gandhi to raise his voice of protest against the British?

Ans: According to Gandhi the Champaran Episode was a turning point in his life. The sharecroppers got 25% refund of the amount they paid as compensation to exempt from planting indigo in their lands. The amount of refund was less imprtant than the fact that the landlords were humiliated for the first time. The peasants learned that they had rights. It also brought courage to thier heart to defy the government, It was the victory over civil disobedience. After this event the British authority began to be melted down in India. In short to say,after the Champaran Episode the influence of Gandhi began to be strong in the Freedom Movment of India.

So the Champaran episode was a turing point in Gandhi’s life.

Type By– Suman bora

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