Class 12 English (Flamingo) Chapter 5 Question Paper



A. Very short type questions:   Mark: 1

1. Who is Sir Edward Gait? [HS ’12, ’15]

2. Who was Rajkumar Shukla? [HS ‘12,16]

3. Whom did Gandhi and Shukla propose to meet at Patna? [HS ’13,’17]

4. Why was Gandhi visiting Lucknow in 1916? [HS ’13]

5. Where is Champaran situated? [HS ’14,’18]

6. What did Shukla want Gandhi to do? [HS ’15]

7.What was Gandhi’s politics intertwined with? [HS ’16]

B. Short type questions:                         Marks: 2/3

1. Why do you think Gandhi considered the Champaran episode to be a turning-point in his life? [HS ’12]

2.  What was the incident that prompted’ Gandhi to raise his voice of protest against the Brit- ish? [HS ’13,’17]

3. Why was the Champaran episode so significant in Gandhi’s life? [HS ’16]

4. Why did Gandhi choose to go to Muzzafarpur first before going on to Champaran? [HS ’18]

c. Essay Type Questions:                                                                        Marks: 5

1. Describe the exploitation of the indigo share croppers by the English landlords. Did Gandhi help them to get an honourable settlement? [HS ’13’17]

2. Describe the efforts made by R. K. Shukla to persuade Gandhi to go to Champaran. [HS, ’14]

3. ‘The battle of Champaran is won’, Gandhi exclaimed. Explain the context in which this was said. [HS ’15, ’16]

Type: Himashree Bora.

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