10 December Human Right’s Day

On December 10, 1948, the United Nations made public the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Two years later, the United Nations General Assembly decided to observe December 10 as Human Rights Day.
accepts. Among the days that the United Nations celebrates annually, The Standard Rights Day has been gaining prominence. The day is held at the UN headquarters in New York. High-mass political convergence. Cultural events and exhibitions related to human rights issues are also organized. This day is celebrated at the initiative of almost every country in the world, as well as privately. The main theme of Human Rights Day is that all human beings are born with equal rights and fundamental freedoms.” The main objective of this day is to raise awareness about human rights and discuss the steps to be taken to protect human rights. Moreover, people who fought relentlessly for the cause of human rights despite risking their lives are specially remembered. On this day, people who have reason for the eradication of inequalities in different parts of the society, for the establishment of social justice and for the welfare of the victims of human rights violations, are also awarded in various ways. Some human rights activists became famous for their contributions but there are numerous human rights activists in all parts of the world whose actions are not particularly talked about. They continue to struggle individually or in groups in their respective regions. The contribution of all such workers on Human Rights Day is remembered with gratitude.

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