3 December International Day of Disabilities

International Day of Disabilities has been observed since 1992 to December 3 at the initiative of the United Nations. On December 3, 1982, the United Nations General Assembly announced a global action plan for the welfare of the physically and mentally challenged people and to provide equal rights to them. It is, therefore, decided to celebrate International Day of Disabilities on this special day. So that the physically challenged people get due status and rights in the society, so that they should be given importance in the social, political, economic and cultural fields; This day highlights the aspects that the government of every nation should adopt effective action plans for the development of the people with disabilities. This day encourages people who show their worth in various ways overcoming physical barriers. With today’s changing environment, especially with modern means of information and communication, the emphasis is also on the need to bring the people who are disadvantaged equally forward.

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