Butterfly pea

অপৰাজিতা ফুল - Mahabahu.com


  1. 1। Butterfly pea flowers are also used in pujas and festivals.
  2. 2। Butterfly pea flowers are used in acne.
  3. 3। The roots of Butterfly pea are dug out and inhaled to cure headaches and diseases.

4। The Butterfly pea flowers are useful for air diseases.

5। In case of eye disease, it is better to grind the leaves of Butterfly pea flower and rub it on the forehead, eyelids or upper pirikati.

6। Butterfly pea flower juice is a medicine for polyuria.

7. As soon as there is a white disease in the pit, grind the flowers of blue Butterfly pea and apply it to the sick place, the normal color returns again.

8. The pain is better when the roots of Butterfly pea are crushed and tied in a place.

9. If you cough, mix a spoonful of a spoonful of the root juice of Butterfly pea with a little honey and eat it 2/3 times a day, the disease is cured.

10. Butterfly peaflower gets pregnant when 10 grams of juice is consumed with goat’s milk during menstruation for 3-7 days.

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