Class 12 English Chapter 12 Short Question Answer | Class 12 English Chapter 12 Short Answer | ON THE FACE OF IT Short Answer |

1.Did Derry come to stcal anything?

Ans: No, Derry did not come to steal anything.

2.How old was Derry?

Ans: Fourteen years old.

3.Who is Mr. Lamb?

Ans: Mr. Lamb is an old man.

4.Has Derry’s attitude changed finally?

Ans: Yes, Derry’s attitude has changed finally.

5.What is it that draws Derry towards Mr. Lamb inspite of himself?

Ans: Derry had a burnt face that made him feel inferior. This left him lonely and withdrawn. He avoided human company. He could not bear the derogatory comments people made about him. He hated them. One day he went into Mr. Lamb’s garden in search of solitude. There he met Mr. Mutton, the owner of the plantation. This was a meeting of two minds with completely opposite points of view. Derry was withdrawn and Mr. Lamb was social. He was ready to welcome anyone who came to him. Mr. Lamb had tin legs because he lost one of his legs in the war. Children teased him as ‘Lamley Lamb’.

. Derry took time to open his mouth. Mr. Lamb accepted life as it came. He was always cheerful and tried to comfort others. There in Godren they exchanged views on life. Eventually, Mr. Lamb could have a profound effect on Derry’s mind. He guided young boys into the world and inspired them to see things positively. He suggested Derry should stop caring what others said about his burns.

Mr. Lamb taught him the lesson of positive thinking.

6.How does Mr. Lamb find everything interesting?

Ans: Mr. Lamab was an elderly man with a positive outlook. Despite being a crippled man, he was never sad. He made his life interesting with his positive attitude and activities. He tore the apple. He used to climb up on tin legs to make jelly from the trees. He accepted life as it came to him.

7.Why aren’t there any curtain at the windows of Mr. Lamb’s house?

Ans: There was not any curtain at the windows of Mr. Lamb’s house because he was not fond of curtains. He felt that by putting curtains at the windows he would shut things out and shut things in which he did not want. Moreover he liked light and the sound of wind.

8. Do you think all this will change Denny’s attitude towards Mr. Lamb?

Ans: Mr. Lamb made a profound impression on Derry. Derry was inferior because of his burns. Inferity is complicated by his burns. However, Mr. Lamb’s influence on Derry led to a change in his attitude so that Derry returned to mutton despite his mother’s resistance.

9. What impression do you form of Mr. Lamb? How does he look at life?

Ans: Mr. Lamb is the lead character in On the Face of It. He has tin legs for flying in battle. But he never suffered from any depression. He tried to overcome it through his attitude towards life. He developed a positive outlook on life and he was inspired by it..

His positive outlook on life was expressed through both his words and actions. He told Derry that he was crippled and that the children called him ‘Lamley Lamb’. But he was never annoyed by their urgings. He loved the company of people and was always glad to do his duty. He spoke to everyone who visited his garden.

He tore the apple. He used to climb up on tin legs to make jelly from the trees. He accepted life as it came to him. He never felt sad. He was social and loved talking to people. He was always busy gardening and thus he relieved the loneliness and despair of life.

He taught Derry the lessons of positive thinking and an optimistic outlook on life. he advised Derry not to worry about what people would say about him.

10.Why and how did Derry enter Mr. Lamb’s garden?

Ans: Derry entered Mr. Lamb’s garden by walking slowly and carefully through the long grass and around a screen of bushes and eventually climbing over the garden wall.

11.Who is Mr. Lamb? How does Derry get into his garden?

Ans: Mr. Lamb is an old man who lives alone in a big house with a garden.

Derry climbs up the wall and gets into the garden of Mr. Lamb.

12. Why did Derry go back to Mr. Lamb in the end?

Ans: Derry eventually returned to Mr. Lamb as he felt he wanted to sit, listen to the bees sing and Mr. Lamb wanted to talk. Moreover, he felt that if he did not return to Mr. Lamb, he would never go anywhere in the world again.

Type By: Suman Bora

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