Class 12 English Chapter 9 Short Question Answer | Class 12 English Chapter 9 Short Answer | A ROADSIDE STAND Short Answer |

1.Who is the poet of the poem, “A Roadside Stand”?

Ans: It is a small shop by the road side in the outskirts owned by poor people.

2. Who are referred to as the ‘flower cities’?

Ans: The best things in the city.

3. Where is the little new shed built?

Ans: The little new shed is built in front at the edge of the road where traffic pass by.

4.Where was the stand situated?

Ans: The stand was situated at the edge of the road.

5.Find out the words or phrses that mean (a) generous and (b) flesh eating animal?

Ans The words that mean, (a) generous is ‘beneficent’; and (b) ‘flesh eating animal’ is ‘beast of prey’.

6.Who are referred to as the ‘flower of cities’ in ‘A Roadside Stand’?

Ans: The best things in the city are referred to as ‘flower of cities’.

7.Where do these lines occur?

Ans: These lines occur in the poem entitled ‘Roadside stand’ by Robert Frost.

8.Find words from the stanza that mean: (a) corner (b) becoming dry and faded?

Ans: The aim of those who ran the stand was to earn some money.

9. Which things irritated the passersby who stopped at the roadside stand?

Ans: The houses of the villegers were painted clumsily which spoilt the natural beauty of the landscape and those clumsy things irritated the passers-by.

10.What will be of great relief for the poet?

Ans: It will be a great relief to the poet if the poor villege people are liberated form their pathetic condition.

11.What things irritated the passersby who stopped at the roadside stand?

Ans: The badly built houses and the artless paints of signs in the poor areas inhadited by the poor famrers irritated the passersby who stopped at the roadside stand.

12.How does the traffic pass?

Ans: The traffic pass by the roadside stand without stopping there. They drive their vehicles ahead without noticing the roadside stands.

13.How will the innocent rural people be soothed out of their wits?

Ans: The innocent rural people would be soothed by the selfish people by means of exploitation.

14. Who has betrayed the village poor people?

Ans: The party in power has betrayed the village people.

The party in power make promises to improve their lives but when they are in power they don’t care for the needs of the poor.

15. What is the ‘childish longing’ that the poet refers to ? Why is it vain?

Ans: Like innocent children the poor farmers wait all the day long for some vehicles to come and stop to buy some articles or food items from their stand. But it never happens. In this way their childish longing goes on in vain.

16.What is the news?

Ans: The news is that the poor people who live in the pitiable condition are to be brought together out with their belongings and made to live together in the village next to the theatre and the store.

17. Expain, “Too patehtically pled’?

Ans: The phrase ‘too pathetically means ‘to beg in the most modest way’.

18.Name some of the things that the roadside stand offer to sell?

Ans: The names of some things that the roadside stands offer to sell are-wild berries, and golden squash.

19.According to the poet what will give a relief to the poet?

Ans: The poet thinks that the releasing of the poor rural people from their state of sorrow and misery will give a great relief to the poet. All should come out with a helping hand to the poor.

20.Who are destroying sleep and how?

Ans: The greedy good-doers are destroying their sleep. They use their tricks to make them poorer.

21.Why does the poet sympathise with the rural people?

Ans: The poet sympathises with the rural people because they are very poor and hardly can buy their food. The government are indifferent to their welfare. They are being exploited by the greedy good-doers and crafty businessmen.

22.What was the plea of the folk who had put up the road side stand?

Ans: The folk who had put up the stand on the roadside were poor farmers. They hoped. the poepl passing by in vehicles to stop and buy something from their items so that they can earn some money from them.

23. Why would not these poor people have to drink for themselves?

Ans: The poor people won’t have to drink for themselves because they would be in the grasp of cunning and selfish people.

24.Read the quoted passage and answer that questions below it?

Ans: “No, in country money, the country scale of gain,

The requisite lift of spirit has never been found,

Or so the voice of the country seems to complain,

I can’t help owning the great relief it would be,

To put these people at one stroke out of their pain.

And then next day as I come back to the same,

wonder how I should like to come to me And offer to put me gently out of my pain.”

type By: Sumon Bora

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