Kerala/Wet-Kerala, English Name: Bitter gourd, Scientific Name: Momordica Charantia

Nature: It is a year-old creeper-like plant. The fruit of this has a pit in its pit. The fruit is rustic and bitter in taste. Fruits are cultivated on a commercial basis to eat.

Quality: Even if it is bitter in taste, it removes the toxicity of the human body. Leaf juice is beneficial in polyuria. It not only eliminates blood toxicity but also enhances the brightness of the human face. If worms occur, wet kerala can be cured more or less by eating bitter kerala if there is a worm, fever, spring, asthma or respiratory diseases, skin diseases, white spots on the skin, phlegm, blood disorders, bile, flatulence, discoloration, joint pain, heartburn, etc. 50 grams of Kerala juice mixed with a cup of water cures blood and its use is cleansed. In case of jaundice, 20 grams of Kerala juice mixed with a cup of water and eaten in the morning and evening is relieved. Kerala especially helps in the release of digestive juices (enzymes). But don’t eat this bitter all the time. This is because it can cause hyper acidity by causing a plethora of gastic juice. If there is liver disease, it can be cured by mixing the juice of kerala or its leaves with honey for a week. Patients with diabetes should eat kerala with rice frequently. Such a patient may continue to get relief by digging three kerelas and consuming its juice. Kerala with garlic in Flatulence.

Cooking style: Kerala can be cooked and eaten lightly by mixing it with various vegetables like chalky potatoes, urad, brinjals, radish etc. It is satisfying to eat when pepper and cumin seeds are added to such anja. Boiled kerala and potatoes, it is necessary to boil onions, raw chillies, salt, sweet oil and eat it. Kerala can be boiled and removed from the seeds inside it and boiled potatoes and boiled potatoes and boiled in the besan and eaten in oil. Kerala is boiled in the middle of rice or burnt in a fire with a ring and crushed with salt oil. Kerala can be chopped round and cooked without adding hot kerahi oil and grinding it with salt oil.

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