Pipli English Name : Long Pepper Scientific Name : Piper Longum

Nature: A wild creeper like betel leaf and its burning seeds. It is an aromatic medicinal plant.

Quality: Drinking leaf juice with honey cures cough. If there is any ‘flu’, a pipli, chopped brinjal root is small, three peppers, three pieces of brown ginger, two pieces of garlic, the roots of the pumpkin can be heated for five minutes and the juice from it can be cooled and half a glass of honey can be made into an antidote medicine. In case of ‘fu’ or watery fever and cough, this medicine should be taken by adult patients before eating three spoonfuls of food a day. Young children should take two spoons a day for three days. If there is chest pain due to gas, half a teaspoon of pipli powder, one • spoon of old jaggery twice a day cures the patient.

Cuisine: 101 vegetables can be mixed with pipli and eaten.

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