High blood pressure

(High Blood Pressure)

What is blood pressure?

While moving blood in the body, a kind of pressure is applied to the walls of veins, veins, arteries, arteries, etc. That’s blood pressure. Our heart seems to contract once and expand once. The pressure exerted by the blood on the wall of the vein-artery during contraction is called silic and the pressure given during expansion is called diastolic pressure. The sitalic pressure of a healthy person is 100-140 millimeters and the diastolic pressure is 60-90 millimeters. High blood pressure if it is higher than this level and lower then low blood pressure.

Symptoms of high blood pressure:

Dizziness, most of them are aching. Pain from neck to shoulder. Sleep is less, body and mind are restless. Chest palpitations, pain, pulse increases, frequent urination, patient becomes weak.

Causes of high blood pressure:

Excessive fried- burnt, bitter fish-meat, eggs, ghee, milk, butter, bidi, cigarettes, narcotics extreme mental worry, side effects of medicines, hereditary and etc.,

The disease can occur due to various reasons such as ethnicity.


If the blood pressure is too high, the nose may bleed, a vein may bleed, there may be bleeding in the brain, there may be stroke, there may be cardiac arrest.

Pathya-Apathya etc.:

Plant oils such as mustard oil, almond oil, vanaspati etc.; Fish oils such as cod liver, chalk liver oil, etc.; You can eat pulses, a variety of fruits, vegetables, foods that contain vitamins and mineral salts. Ripe tamarind and jaggery are very beneficial in high blood pressure.

Animal oil (other than sea fish oil) or fat, eggs, brain, sugar, glucose, tin fish, meat, paneer, salted biscuits, onions, jackfruit, tobacco, alcohol, bitter gourd, spinach etc. should not be consumed. Salt should be eaten less.

Household care:

D Sarpagandha root juice should be consumed twice a day with 2 teaspoons at a time. The ripe leaves of sajina should be taken out of the juice. This juice should be consumed twice a day twice a day for a week in a row. 3 teaspoons of the juice of the leaves of the skin bud, mixed with half a teaspoon of honey every day

One should eat once at night for a few days.

Eating two cups of garlic mixed with milk relieves blood pressure. Nayantara leaves A few bowls of juice should be taken out. This juice should be consumed one spoon at a time in the morning and once in the evening. Or chew one leaf of Nayantara on an empty stomach every morning.

One should take 10 grams of vegetables in the water. A little bit with it. Mishri or sugar should be mixed and consumed with syrup.

Black basil juice should be mixed with ten teaspoons of raw turmeric juice and eaten twice a day.
Lemon sour juice should be consumed with water. This is beneficial for high blood pressure.

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