Something about politics / Politics

What is politics?

People are social. People live in society according to their instincts. Humans are social animals.” People also become involved in the political activities related to social life when people live social life. As a result, they have to live a political life as well as in society. Because there is a direct relationship between social and political life. Political life or political situation arises from social life or social status. So people are not only social animals but also political animals. Aristotle scientifically stated in his book ‘Politics’: “Man is a social and political animal” He said that people live in society according to the instincts and needs of man and who lives in society cannot be free from the influence of politics. Robert Dhal (robert dhal) says in his book ‘Modern Political Analysis’, “Whether he likes it or not, virtuly no one is completely beyond the reach of some solution. School, Church, Business Firm, Trade Union, CLUB, Political Party, CIVIC ASSOCIATION and A Host of Other Organisations” Every individual state is involved in different forms at different times. Since people cannot avoid politics, they are not free from political influence. Therefore, it can be seen that politics has been the most ancient and universal experience of the people and political ideology in different parts of the world since thousands of years ago. About 2,500 years ago, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle started testing in Greece and expressed their views on various concepts related to politics. In the next period of these three Greece philosophers, politicians from different countries of the world have occasionally practiced politics and have different views on various concepts of politics, but they have always asked a question—what politics? (What is politics?)

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