Meat kalia | Some Information of meat | How To Make Meat Kalia |

Meat Kalia

Ingredients: Goat meat, 100 grams of ghee, nuts, onion 500 grams, (wheat of cinnamon), 25 gm of cinnamon, 10 g, peppers, 10 grams of pepper, 25 gm of greed, 25 grams of grew. Gramam, according to taste, a few peppers, a little sugar.

System: Add butter in a pan and fry half of the onion. Little pepper, coriander, ginger and ginger and jafra. Grind the nuts, grind the rest of the onion. Heat the ghee in a pan and add the clove and add the meat. Add onion prizes, salt, whole pepper and sugar. When the meat is cooked, add the nut prize and the hot spices. After a while, remove the meat soup. If you want to, you can add garlic while spicing in the meat.

Language : English

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