Religious fruit (religious results):

Every reform destroyed the unity of the Christian society. Until then, the dominance of Catholicism was established in Europe and no one dared to compete with Catholic religion. But later, both churches and religion were filled with stereotypes and corruption. Every reform opposed the bad aspects and the Pope himself took the initiative to take the initiative to lead an honest and ideal life. Anti-formation opposed the monopoly of the pope. At that time, the Bible was published in Latin, but the Bible was translated into all the country’s languages ​​and people followed the Bible instead of Pope. This reduced the influence of pope and religious priests. Religious views developed among people and discrimination between different religions appeared. In many states, the dominance of Pope was eradicated and the powerful rulers took all power to their hands. The rulers could be free from the powerful hammer of the pope. In addition, many philosophers were born during this period and thought on contemporary problems from their own perspective
did. They helped to overcome the faults by philosophically changing people’s attitudes. Their observations and rational research gave the ability to find out the truth before swelling.

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