NCERT Class 3 English Chapter 5 Answer (Marigold ) | NCERT Class 3 English Solution


Does a balloon man visit your market? Let’s see what this 

balloon man brings with him.

The Balloon Man

 And holds balloons – a lovely bunch – 

He always comes on market days

And in the market square he stays,

 And never seems to think of lunch.

They’re red and purple, blue and green, 

And when it is a sunny day

 The carts and people get between 

You see them shining far away.

And some are big and some are small,

 All tied together with a string. 

And if there is a wind at all

 They tug and tug like anything.

Some day perhaps he’ll let them go 

And we shall see them sailing high,

 And stand and watch them from below — 

They would look pretty in the sky!

                  Rose Fyleman

New words

 bunch, square, sunny, tug

Reading is fun 

   1. Where does the balloon man stand?

   2. What happens to the balloons when there is a wind?

    3. What does the child like to see the balloon man do?

Talk time 

   1. How high can balloons fly?

   2. What do you like about this poem?

Word building 

  i. Identify the words from the jumbled letters and write the

        word in the space provided.

   llaboons     _____________        cunlh   _____________ 

  ulbe             _____________      ploeep   _____________×280&!4&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=2HKPDo3ypg&p=https%3A//

  wolbe           _____________     crat       _____________

ii. Put the words given in the box into the following groups

(a) nature         _____________          _____________  

(b) food             ______________         ______________ 

(c) colours          ______________          ______________  

wind      turnip      purple    pineapple     sky 

green      grass     white         yellow      rice

iii. How many colours can you find hidden in this maze?

 Write their names below.

1. ____________        2.    ____________         5. ____________ 

3. ____________        4. ____________            6. ____________×280&!5&btvi=3&fsb=1&xpc=YF59LEvwv1&p=https%3A//

iv. Fill in the blanks in the balloons with their opposites. You can 

    find them in the poem The Balloon Man. One is done for you. 

 never             small          rainy    

 always             ______      ______

 low                 sit              near 

______           ______       ______ 

Team time 

  Take any magazine or newspaper which has colourful pages.

   Cut out balloons of various sizes and shapes carefully, 

    using a pair of scissors.

  Paste the balloons on a large sheet of paper.

  Arrange them to make a colourful bunch of balloons.

  Draw a string for each balloon in a different colour.

Say aloud

   string            stand

   stream           sting

    strong           still 

     haul                hall

     mite                 might

    tail                     tale 

    sale                        sail


    A yellow butterfly flew around in Sonu’s garden.

         Sonu saw the butterfly. He ran to catch it.

                 The butterfly flew to the rose bed. It sat on a red rose.

                     “Now I can catch it!” said Sonu. 

                        He walked slowly and silently 

                         to catch the butterfly. He came

                          closer, closer, and still closer,

                           but then…

                               Off flew the butterfly! 

                              Where did the butterfly go? 

                              Near the garden was a pond. In 

                             the pond was a white lotus.

                             Around it grew round leaves. 

                             They floated in the water.

    The butterfly sailed on a floating leaf. 

Sonu went splash into the water and… 

    Off flew the butterfly!

    Where was it? Sonu looked up, he looked down.

 Near the wall was a peach tree. It had pink flowers. 

 The butterfly sat on a pretty flower.

      “I can catch you!” shouted Sonu. He climbed

 up the tree. Up, up he climbed, but….

       Back it flew, down from the tree.

       Sonu jumped down too. He

     chased the butterfly,

          From the rose,

           to the lotus, and,

           Up the peach tree, but…

            He could not catch the


         Sonu could not see it at 

all. He looked everywhere. 

At last he saw the butterfly. 

     There was a big spider’s 

    web in the peach tree. The

    butterfly was caught in the 

spider’s web. It looked sad

 as it tried to escape. It

 fluttered its wings. It twisted

 and turned. But it could not 

escape. The spider’s web

 held it tight.

Poor butterfly! 

In the middle of the web was a big spider. It looked hungry.

It wanted to catch the butterfly.

Closer and closer crawled the black spider.

Before the hungry spider could grab it, Sonu ran and… 

he caught the butterfly! 

It was so pretty. It had black spots on its yellow wings.

  Sonu loved the little butterfly.

  But it looked sad in Sonu’s hand.

   Sonu wanted it to be happy.

    “Go,” said Sonu,

 “Fly away!”

        H e l e t  t h e

 butterfly go. It sat on the red rose.  It 

 flew to the peach

 tree and then sailed 

on a lotus leaf. It

flew merrily from

 flower to flower. 

       Sonu watched 

it fly and fly.

The butterfly flew all around Sonu’s garden….happy

and free once again.

New words

escape, pond, peach, climb, catch, middle, hungry, float, 

shout, chase, flutter, twist

Reading if fun

   1. Where did Sonu first see the yellow butterfly?

   2. Name three places where the butterfly rested.

   3. Why did Sonu chase the butterfly?

   4. Why did Sonu let the butterfly go?

Talk time 

 1. If you were a butterfly, how would you feel if you were caught?

  2. Why did the butterfly go to the flowers in the garden?

3. Say these sentences aloud


Does a balloon man visit your market? Let’s see what this 

balloon man brings with him.

The Balloon Man

He always comes on market days

 And holds balloons – a lovely bunch – 

And in the market square he stays,

 And never seems to think of lunch.

They’re red and purple, blue and green, 

And when it is a sunny day

 The carts and people get between 

You see them shining far away.

 All tied together with a string. 

And if there is a wind at all

And some are big and some are small,

 They tug and tug like anything.

Some day perhaps he’ll let them go 

And we shall see them sailing high,

 And stand and watch them from below — 

They would look pretty in the sky!

                  Rose Fyleman

New words

 bunch, square, sunny, tug

Reading is fun 

   1. Where does the balloon man stand?

   2. What happens to the balloons when there is a wind?

    3. What does the child like to see the balloon man do?

Talk time 

   1. How high can balloons fly?

   2. What do you like about this poem?

Word building 

  i. Identify the words from the jumbled letters and write the

        word in the space provided.

   llaboons     _____________        cunlh   _____________ 

  ulbe             _____________      ploeep   _____________×280&!4&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=2HKPDo3ypg&p=https%3A//

  wolbe           _____________     crat       _____________

ii. Put the words given in the box into the following groups

(a) nature         _____________          _____________  

(b) food             ______________         ______________ 

(c) colours          ______________          ______________  

wind      turnip      purple    pineapple     sky 

green      grass     white         yellow      rice

iii. How many colours can you find hidden in this maze?

 Write their names below.

1. ____________        2.    ____________         5. ____________ 

3. ____________        4. ____________            6. ____________×280&!5&btvi=3&fsb=1&xpc=YF59LEvwv1&p=https%3A//

iv. Fill in the blanks in the balloons with their opposites. You can 

    find them in the poem The Balloon Man. One is done for you. 

 never             small          rainy    

 always             ______      ______

 low                 sit              near 

______           ______       ______ 

Team time 

  Take any magazine or newspaper which has colourful pages.

   Cut out balloons of various sizes and shapes carefully, 

    using a pair of scissors.

  Paste the balloons on a large sheet of paper.

  Arrange them to make a colourful bunch of balloons.

  Draw a string for each balloon in a different colour.

Say aloud

   string            stand

   stream           sting

    strong           still 

     haul                hall

     mite                 might

    tail                     tale 

    sale                        sail



Does a balloon man visit your market? Let’s see what this 

balloon man brings with him.

The Balloon Man

He always comes on market days

 And holds balloons – a lovely bunch – 

And in the market square he stays,

 And never seems to think of lunch.

They’re red and purple, blue and green, 

And when it is a sunny day

 The carts and people get between 

You see them shining far away.

And some are big and some are small,

 All tied together with a string. 

And if there is a wind at all

 They tug and tug like anything.

Some day perhaps he’ll let them go 

And we shall see them sailing high,

 And stand and watch them from below — 

They would look pretty in the sky!

                  Rose Fyleman

New words

 bunch, square, sunny, tug

Reading is fun 

   1. Where does the balloon man stand?

   2. What happens to the balloons when there is a wind?

    3. What does the child like to see the balloon man do?

Talk time 

   1. How high can balloons fly?

   2. What do you like about this poem?

Word building 

  i. Identify the words from the jumbled letters and write the

        word in the space provided.

   llaboons     _____________        cunlh   _____________ 

  ulbe             _____________      ploeep   _____________×280&!4&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=2HKPDo3ypg&p=https%3A//

  wolbe           _____________     crat       _____________

ii. Put the words given in the box into the following groups

(a) nature         _____________          _____________  

(b) food             ______________         ______________ 

(c) colours          ______________          ______________  

wind      turnip      purple    pineapple     sky 

green      grass     white         yellow      rice

iii. How many colours can you find hidden in this maze?

 Write their names below.

1. ____________        2.    ____________         5. ____________ 

3. ____________        4. ____________            6. ____________×280&!5&btvi=3&fsb=1&xpc=YF59LEvwv1&p=https%3A//

iv. Fill in the blanks in the balloons with their opposites. You can 

    find them in the poem The Balloon Man. One is done for you. 

 never             small          rainy    

 always             ______      ______

 low                 sit              near 

______           ______       ______ 

Team time 

  Take any magazine or newspaper which has colourful pages.

   Cut out balloons of various sizes and shapes carefully, 

    using a pair of scissors.

  Paste the balloons on a large sheet of paper.

  Arrange them to make a colourful bunch of balloons.

  Draw a string for each balloon in a different colour.

Say aloud

   string            stand

   stream           sting

    strong           still 

     haul                hall

     mite                 might

    tail                     tale 

    sale                        sail

    A yellow butterfly flew around in Sonu’s garden.


         Sonu saw the butterfly. He ran to catch it.

                 The butterfly flew to the rose bed. It sat on a red rose.

                     “Now I can catch it!” said Sonu. 

                        He walked slowly and silently 

                         to catch the butterfly. He came

                          closer, closer, and still closer,

                           but then…

                               Off flew the butterfly! 

                              Where did the butterfly go? 

                              Near the garden was a pond. In 

                             the pond was a white lotus.

                             Around it grew round leaves. 

                             They floated in the water.

    The butterfly sailed on a floating leaf. 

Sonu went splash into the water and… 

    Off flew the butterfly!

    Where was it? Sonu looked up, he looked down.

 Near the wall was a peach tree. It had pink flowers. 

 The butterfly sat on a pretty flower.

      “I can catch you!” shouted Sonu. He climbed

 up the tree. Up, up he climbed, but….

       Back it flew, down from the tree.

       Sonu jumped down too. He

     chased the butterfly,

          From the rose,


Does a balloon man visit your market? Let’s see what this 


Does a balloon man visit your market? Let’s see what this 

balloon man brings with him.

The Balloon Man

He always comes on market days

 And holds balloons – a lovely bunch – 

And in the market square he stays,

 And never seems to think of lunch.

They’re red and purple, blue and green, 

And when it is a sunny day

 The carts and people get between 


Does a balloon man visit your market? Let’s see what this 

balloon man brings with him.

The Balloon Man

He always comes on market days

 And holds balloons – a lovely bunch – 

And in the market square he stays,

 And never seems to think of lunch.

They’re red and purple, blue and green, 

And when it is a sunny day

 The carts and people get between 

You see them shining far away.

And some are big and some are small,

 All tied together with a string. 

And if there is a wind at all

 They tug and tug like anything.

Some day perhaps he’ll let them go 

And we shall see them sailing high,

 And stand and watch them from below — 

They would look pretty in the sky!

                  Rose Fyleman

New words

 bunch, square, sunny, tug

Reading is fun 

   1. Where does the balloon man stand?

   2. What happens to the balloons when there is a wind?

    3. What does the child like to see the balloon man do?

Talk time 

   1. How high can balloons fly?

   2. What do you like about this poem?

Word building 

  i. Identify the words from the jumbled letters and write the

        word in the space provided.

   llaboons     _____________        cunlh   _____________ 

  ulbe             _____________      ploeep   _____________×280&!4&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=2HKPDo3ypg&p=https%3A//

  wolbe           _____________     crat       _____________

ii. Put the words given in the box into the following groups

(a) nature         _____________          _____________  

(b) food             ______________         ______________ 

(c) colours          ______________          ______________  

wind      turnip      purple    pineapple     sky 

green      grass     white         yellow      rice

iii. How many colours can you find hidden in this maze?

 Write their names below.

1. ____________        2.    ____________         5. ____________ 

3. ____________        4. ____________            6. ____________×280&!5&btvi=3&fsb=1&xpc=YF59LEvwv1&p=https%3A//

iv. Fill in the blanks in the balloons with their opposites. You can 

    find them in the poem The Balloon Man. One is done for you. 

 never             small          rainy    

 always             ______      ______

 low                 sit              near 

______           ______       ______ 

Team time 

  Take any magazine or newspaper which has colourful pages.

   Cut out balloons of various sizes and shapes carefully, 

    using a pair of scissors.

  Paste the balloons on a large sheet of paper.

  Arrange them to make a colourful bunch of balloons.

  Draw a string for each balloon in a different colour.

Say aloud

   string            stand

   stream           sting

    strong           still 

     haul                hall

     mite                 might

    tail                     tale 

    sale                        sail


    A yellow butterfly flew around in Sonu’s garden.

         Sonu saw the butterfly. He ran to catch it.

                 The butterfly flew to the rose bed. It sat on a red rose.

                     “Now I can catch it!” said Sonu. 

                        He walked slowly and silently 

                         to catch the butterfly. He came

                          closer, closer, and still closer,

                           but then…

                               Off flew the butterfly! 

                              Where did the butterfly go? 

                              Near the garden was a pond. In 

                             the pond was a white lotus.

                             Around it grew round leaves. 

                             They floated in the water.

    The butterfly sailed on a floating leaf. 

Sonu went splash into the water and… 

    Off flew the butterfly!

    Where was it? Sonu looked up, he looked down.

 Near the wall was a peach tree. It had pink flowers. 

 The butterfly sat on a pretty flower.

      “I can catch you!” shouted Sonu. He climbed

 up the tree. Up, up he climbed, but….

       Back it flew, down from the tree.

       Sonu jumped down too. He

     chased the butterfly,

          From the rose,

           to the lotus, and,

           Up the peach tree, but…

            He could not catch the


         Sonu could not see it at 

all. He looked everywhere. 

At last he saw the butterfly. 

     There was a big spider’s 

    web in the peach tree. The

    butterfly was caught in the 

spider’s web. It looked sad

 as it tried to escape. It

 fluttered its wings. It twisted

 and turned. But it could not 

escape. The spider’s web

 held it tight.

Poor butterfly! 

In the middle of the web was a big spider. It looked hungry.

It wanted to catch the butterfly.

Closer and closer crawled the black spider.

Before the hungry spider could grab it, Sonu ran and… 

he caught the butterfly! 

It was so pretty. It had black spots on its yellow wings.

  Sonu loved the little butterfly.

  But it looked sad in Sonu’s hand.

   Sonu wanted it to be happy.

    “Go,” said Sonu,

 “Fly away!”

        H e l e t  t h e

 butterfly go. It sat on the red rose.  It 

 flew to the peach

 tree and then sailed 

on a lotus leaf. It

flew merrily from

 flower to flower. 

       Sonu watched 

it fly and fly.

The butterfly flew all around Sonu’s garden….happy

and free once again.

New words

escape, pond, peach, climb, catch, middle, hungry, float, 

shout, chase, flutter, twist

Reading if fun

   1. Where did Sonu first see the yellow butterfly?

   2. Name three places where the butterfly rested.

   3. Why did Sonu chase the butterfly?

   4. Why did Sonu let the butterfly go?

Talk time 

 1. If you were a butterfly, how would you feel if you were caught?

  2. Why did the butterfly go to the flowers in the garden?

3. Say these sentences aloud

    Butterflies can fly.                     Birds can fly.

 Kites can fly.                          Aeroplanes can fly.

  Can we fly?

   No, we can’t. We can fly in an aeroplane. 

   Let’s write

      Write the sentences in proper order using these words to

       help you:

        first       then       after this      finally

    1. Finally, I dress up and go to school.

    2. Then I brush my teeth and have a bath.

    3. First of all, I get out of bed.

    4. After this I eat my breakfast.

Team time 

    Activity: Paper fun

    Let’s make a butterfly.

    1. Take a sheet of paper.

            Cut two squares of the same size.

     2. Fold them like a fan. 

     3. Hold both the folded squares 

         and tie a thread in the middle. 

     4. Now spread the folds, and the  

        wings of your butterfly are ready.

     5. Cut the body of the butterfly and draw 

           its eyes. Put a smile on its face.

      6. Stick it on the wings and your 

           butterfly is ready.

      7. You may decorate your butterfly by sticking 

          some bindis, beads or sequins on it.

Word building

    Make two words from one word. One has been done for you.

    butterfly             butter           fly

    everywhere       ________      ________ 

    inside               ________       ________

    outside              ________      ________

    sunlight              ________      ________

Teacher’s Page    UNIT V


        Sky, colours, insects

         Appreciation of natural beauty


   With a new poem, ask children to remember words and outstanding lines.

    While reading, let children look for lines they like best, enjoy them and make a

     picture of them ‘‘in their minds’’.

     You can bring a packet of brightly coloured balloons and thread to class. Take

     the children out into the playground. Let each child blow one balloon and tie it

      tightly with a piece of thread. Now let them leave the balloons and watch them 

      fly up with the breeze. Talk about how high they will fly in the sky. Talk also

      about the other things one can see in the sky including birds, butterflies,

      balloons, clouds etc. and their different colours.

      The story must be read in a clear voice, and appropriate expressions so that it

       is told well and will live in the memory of the children.

       Take children outdoors if possible, where they see butterflies on flowers and

        tell them about how they feed on nectar. Draw the body of a butterfly on the

        blackboard. Talk to the children about its different parts.

       Paper folding activity: Give every child a square piece of paper. Let them colour

       it with dots and lines before making a butterfly.

      Help children to make colourful balloons by cutting pictures from old

     magazines and newspapers. They can stick these on chart papers and put

     them up in the class.

     Help children to find out the colours in the maze by reading the

     letters vertically and horizontally.

     Explain the difficult words in the text. You can supply pictures

     for them. Write new sentences on the blackboard. This way you


     can also teach words and spaces and later a long word,

     a sentence etc. jumbled sentences can be presented in some 

     attractive way to be corrected by the child.

And some are big and some are small,

 All tied together with a string. 

And if there is a wind at all

 They tug and tug like anything.

Some day perhaps he’ll let them go 

And we shall see them sailing high,

 And stand and watch them from below — 

They would look pretty in the sky!

                  Rose Fyleman

New words

 bunch, square, sunny, tug

Reading is fun 

   1. Where does the balloon man stand?

   2. What happens to the balloons when there is a wind?

    3. What does the child like to see the balloon man do?

Talk time 

   1. How high can balloons fly?

   2. What do you like about this poem?

Word building 

  i. Identify the words from the jumbled letters and write the

        word in the space provided.

   llaboons     _____________        cunlh   _____________ 

  ulbe             _____________      ploeep   _____________×280&!4&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=2HKPDo3ypg&p=https%3A//

  wolbe           _____________     crat       _____________

ii. Put the words given in the box into the following groups

(a) nature         _____________          _____________  

(b) food             ______________         ______________ 

(c) colours          ______________          ______________  

wind      turnip      purple    pineapple     sky 

green      grass     white         yellow      rice

iii. How many colours can you find hidden in this maze?

 Write their names below.

1. ____________        2.    ____________         5. ____________ 

3. ____________        4. ____________            6. ____________×280&!5&btvi=3&fsb=1&xpc=YF59LEvwv1&p=https%3A//

iv. Fill in the blanks in the balloons with their opposites. You can 

    find them in the poem The Balloon Man. One is done for you. 

 never             small          rainy    

 always             ______      ______

 low                 sit              near 

______           ______       ______ 

Team time 

  Take any magazine or newspaper which has colourful pages.

   Cut out balloons of various sizes and shapes carefully, 

    using a pair of scissors.

  Paste the balloons on a large sheet of paper.

  Arrange them to make a colourful bunch of balloons.

  Draw a string for each balloon in a different colour.

Say aloud

   string            stand

   stream           sting

    strong           still 

     haul                hall

     mite                 might

    tail                     tale 

    sale                        sail


    A yellow butterfly flew around in Sonu’s garden.

         Sonu saw the butterfly. He ran to catch it.

                 The butterfly flew to the rose bed. It sat on a red rose.

                     “Now I can catch it!” said Sonu. 

                        He walked slowly and silently 

                         to catch the butterfly. He came

                          closer, closer, and still closer,

                           but then…

                               Off flew the butterfly! 

                              Where did the butterfly go? 

                              Near the garden was a pond. In 

                             the pond was a white lotus.

                             Around it grew round leaves. 

                             They floated in the water.

    The butterfly sailed on a floating leaf. 

Sonu went splash into the water and… 

    Off flew the butterfly!

    Where was it? Sonu looked up, he looked down.

 Near the wall was a peach tree. It had pink flowers. 

 The butterfly sat on a pretty flower.

      “I can catch you!” shouted Sonu. He climbed

 up the tree. Up, up he climbed, but….

       Back it flew, down from the tree.

       Sonu jumped down too. He

     chased the butterfly,

          From the rose,

           to the lotus, and,

           Up the peach tree, but…

            He could not catch the


         Sonu could not see it at 

all. He looked everywhere. 

At last he saw the butterfly. 

     There was a big spider’s 

    web in the peach tree. The

    butterfly was caught in the 

spider’s web. It looked sad

 as it tried to escape. It

 fluttered its wings. It twisted

 and turned. But it could not 

escape. The spider’s web

 held it tight.

Poor butterfly! 

In the middle of the web was a big spider. It looked hungry.

It wanted to catch the butterfly.

Closer and closer crawled the black spider.

Before the hungry spider could grab it, Sonu ran and… 

he caught the butterfly! 

It was so pretty. It had black spots on its yellow wings.

  Sonu loved the little butterfly.

  But it looked sad in Sonu’s hand.

   Sonu wanted it to be happy.

    “Go,” said Sonu,

 “Fly away!”

        H e l e t  t h e

 butterfly go. It sat on the red rose.  It 

 flew to the peach

 tree and then sailed 

on a lotus leaf. It

flew merrily from

 flower to flower. 

       Sonu watched 

it fly and fly.

The butterfly flew all around Sonu’s garden….happy

and free once again.

New words

escape, pond, peach, climb, catch, middle, hungry, float, 

shout, chase, flutter, twist

Reading if fun

   1. Where did Sonu first see the yellow butterfly?

   2. Name three places where the butterfly rested.

   3. Why did Sonu chase the butterfly?

   4. Why did Sonu let the butterfly go?

Talk time 

 1. If you were a butterfly, how would you feel if you were caught?

  2. Why did the butterfly go to the flowers in the garden?

3. Say these sentences aloud

    Butterflies can fly.                     Birds can fly.

 Kites can fly.                          Aeroplanes can fly.

  Can we fly?

   No, we can’t. We can fly in an aeroplane. 

   Let’s write

      Write the sentences in proper order using these words to

       help you:

        first       then       after this      finally

    1. Finally, I dress up and go to school.

    2. Then I brush my teeth and have a bath.

    3. First of all, I get out of bed.

    4. After this I eat my breakfast.

Team time 

    Activity: Paper fun

    Let’s make a butterfly.

    1. Take a sheet of paper.

            Cut two squares of the same size.

     2. Fold them like a fan. 

     3. Hold both the folded squares 

         and tie a thread in the middle. 

     4. Now spread the folds, and the  

        wings of your butterfly are ready.

     5. Cut the body of the butterfly and draw 

           its eyes. Put a smile on its face.

      6. Stick it on the wings and your 

           butterfly is ready.

      7. You may decorate your butterfly by sticking 

          some bindis, beads or sequins on it.

Word building

    Make two words from one word. One has been done for you.

    butterfly             butter           fly

    everywhere       ________      ________ 

    inside               ________       ________

    outside              ________      ________

    sunlight              ________      ________

Teacher’s Page    UNIT V


        Sky, colours, insects

         Appreciation of natural beauty


   With a new poem, ask children to remember words and outstanding lines.

    While reading, let children look for lines they like best, enjoy them and make a

     picture of them ‘‘in their minds’’.

     You can bring a packet of brightly coloured balloons and thread to class. Take

     the children out into the playground. Let each child blow one balloon and tie it×280&!6&btvi=5&fsb=1&xpc=0Ukvf4XlSo&p=https%3A//

      tightly with a piece of thread. Now let them leave the balloons and watch them 

      fly up with the breeze. Talk about how high they will fly in the sky. Talk also

      about the other things one can see in the sky including birds, butterflies,

      balloons, clouds etc. and their different colours.

      The story must be read in a clear voice, and appropriate expressions so that it

       is told well and will live in the memory of the children.

       Take children outdoors if possible, where they see butterflies on flowers and

        tell them about how they feed on nectar. Draw the body of a butterfly on the

        blackboard. Talk to the children about its different parts.

       Paper folding activity: Give every child a square piece of paper. Let them colour

       it with dots and lines before making a butterfly.

      Help children to make colourful balloons by cutting pictures from old

     magazines and newspapers. They can stick these on chart papers and put

     them up in the class.

     Help children to find out the colours in the maze by reading the

     letters vertically and horizontally.

     Explain the difficult words in the text. You can supply pictures

     for them. Write new sentences on the blackboard. This way you×280&!7&btvi=6&fsb=1&xpc=CkYRHKiHtK&p=https%3A//

     can also teach words and spaces and later a long word,

     a sentence etc. jumbled sentences can be presented in some 

     attractive way to be corrected by the child.

The Balloon Man

He always comes on market days

 And holds balloons – a lovely bunch – 

And in the market square he stays,

 And never seems to think of lunch.

They’re red and purple, blue and green, 

And when it is a sunny day

 The carts and people get between 

You see them shining far away.

And some are big and some are small,

 All tied together with a string. 

And if there is a wind at all

 They tug and tug like anything.

Some day perhaps he’ll let them go 

And we shall see them sailing high,

 And stand and watch them from below — 

They would look pretty in the sky!

                  Rose Fyleman

New words

 bunch, square, sunny, tug

Reading is fun 

   1. Where does the balloon man stand?

   2. What happens to the balloons when there is a wind?

    3. What does the child like to see the balloon man do?

Talk time 

   1. How high can balloons fly?

   2. What do you like about this poem?

Word building 

  i. Identify the words from the jumbled letters and write the

        word in the space provided.

   llaboons     _____________        cunlh   _____________ 

  ulbe             _____________      ploeep   _____________×280&!4&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=2HKPDo3ypg&p=https%3A//

  wolbe           _____________     crat       _____________

ii. Put the words given in the box into the following groups

(a) nature         _____________          _____________  

(b) food             ______________         ______________ 

(c) colours          ______________          ______________  

wind      turnip      purple    pineapple     sky 

green      grass     white         yellow      rice

iii. How many colours can you find hidden in this maze?

 Write their names below.

1. ____________        2.    ____________         5. ____________ 

3. ____________        4. ____________            6. ____________×280&!5&btvi=3&fsb=1&xpc=YF59LEvwv1&p=https%3A//

iv. Fill in the blanks in the balloons with their opposites. You can 

    find them in the poem The Balloon Man. One is done for you. 

 never             small          rainy    

 always             ______      ______

 low                 sit              near 

______           ______       ______ 

Team time 

  Take any magazine or newspaper which has colourful pages.

   Cut out balloons of various sizes and shapes carefully, 

    using a pair of scissors.

  Paste the balloons on a large sheet of paper.

  Arrange them to make a colourful bunch of balloons.

  Draw a string for each balloon in a different colour.

Say aloud

   string            stand

   stream           sting

    strong           still 

     haul                hall

     mite                 might

    tail                     tale 

    sale                        sail


    A yellow butterfly flew around in Sonu’s garden.

         Sonu saw the butterfly. He ran to catch it.

                 The butterfly flew to the rose bed. It sat on a red rose.

                     “Now I can catch it!” said Sonu. 

                        He walked slowly and silently 

                         to catch the butterfly. He came

                          closer, closer, and still closer,

                           but then…

                               Off flew the butterfly! 

                              Where did the butterfly go? 

                              Near the garden was a pond. In 

                             the pond was a white lotus.

                             Around it grew round leaves. 

                             They floated in the water.

    The butterfly sailed on a floating leaf. 

Sonu went splash into the water and… 

    Off flew the butterfly!

    Where was it? Sonu looked up, he looked down.

 Near the wall was a peach tree. It had pink flowers. 

 The butterfly sat on a pretty flower.

      “I can catch you!” shouted Sonu. He climbed

 up the tree. Up, up he climbed, but….

       Back it flew, down from the tree.

       Sonu jumped down too. He

     chased the butterfly,

          From the rose,

           to the lotus, and,

           Up the peach tree, but…

            He could not catch the


         Sonu could not see it at 

all. He looked everywhere. 

At last he saw the butterfly. 

     There was a big spider’s 

    web in the peach tree. The

    butterfly was caught in the 

spider’s web. It looked sad

 as it tried to escape. It

 fluttered its wings. It twisted

 and turned. But it could not 

escape. The spider’s web

 held it tight.

Poor butterfly! 

In the middle of the web was a big spider. It looked hungry.

It wanted to catch the butterfly.

Closer and closer crawled the black spider.

Before the hungry spider could grab it, Sonu ran and… 

he caught the butterfly! 

It was so pretty. It had black spots on its yellow wings.

  Sonu loved the little butterfly.

  But it looked sad in Sonu’s hand.

   Sonu wanted it to be happy.

    “Go,” said Sonu,

 “Fly away!”

        H e l e t  t h e

 butterfly go. It sat on the red rose.  It 

 flew to the peach

 tree and then sailed 

on a lotus leaf. It

flew merrily from

 flower to flower. 

       Sonu watched 

it fly and fly.

The butterfly flew all around Sonu’s garden….happy

and free once again.

New words

escape, pond, peach, climb, catch, middle, hungry, float, 

shout, chase, flutter, twist

Reading if fun

   1. Where did Sonu first see the yellow butterfly?

   2. Name three places where the butterfly rested.

   3. Why did Sonu chase the butterfly?

   4. Why did Sonu let the butterfly go?

Talk time 

 1. If you were a butterfly, how would you feel if you were caught?

  2. Why did the butterfly go to the flowers in the garden?

3. Say these sentences aloud

    Butterflies can fly.                     Birds can fly.

 Kites can fly.                          Aeroplanes can fly.

  Can we fly?

   No, we can’t. We can fly in an aeroplane. 

   Let’s write

      Write the sentences in proper order using these words to

       help you:

        first       then       after this      finally

    1. Finally, I dress up and go to school.

    2. Then I brush my teeth and have a bath.

    3. First of all, I get out of bed.

    4. After this I eat my breakfast.

Team time 

    Activity: Paper fun

    Let’s make a butterfly.

    1. Take a sheet of paper.

            Cut two squares of the same size.

     2. Fold them like a fan. 

     3. Hold both the folded squares 

         and tie a thread in the middle. 

     4. Now spread the folds, and the  

        wings of your butterfly are ready.

     5. Cut the body of the butterfly and draw 

           its eyes. Put a smile on its face.

      6. Stick it on the wings and your 

           butterfly is ready.

      7. You may decorate your butterfly by sticking 

          some bindis, beads or sequins on it.

Word building

    Make two words from one word. One has been done for you.

    butterfly             butter           fly

    everywhere       ________      ________ 

    inside               ________       ________

    outside              ________      ________

    sunlight              ________      ________

Teacher’s Page    UNIT V


        Sky, colours, insects

         Appreciation of natural beauty


   With a new poem, ask children to remember words and outstanding lines.

    While reading, let children look for lines they like best, enjoy them and make a

     picture of them ‘‘in their minds’’.

     You can bring a packet of brightly coloured balloons and thread to class. Take

     the children out into the playground. Let each child blow one balloon and tie it×280&!6&btvi=5&fsb=1&xpc=0Ukvf4XlSo&p=https%3A//

      tightly with a piece of thread. Now let them leave the balloons and watch them 

      fly up with the breeze. Talk about how high they will fly in the sky. Talk also

      about the other things one can see in the sky including birds, butterflies,

      balloons, clouds etc. and their different colours.

      The story must be read in a clear voice, and appropriate expressions so that it

       is told well and will live in the memory of the children.

       Take children outdoors if possible, where they see butterflies on flowers and

        tell them about how they feed on nectar. Draw the body of a butterfly on the

        blackboard. Talk to the children about its different parts.

       Paper folding activity: Give every child a square piece of paper. Let them colour

       it with dots and lines before making a butterfly.

      Help children to make colourful balloons by cutting pictures from old

     magazines and newspapers. They can stick these on chart papers and put

     them up in the class.

     Help children to find out the colours in the maze by reading the

     letters vertically and horizontally.

     Explain the difficult words in the text. You can supply pictures

     for them. Write new sentences on the blackboard. This way you×280&!7&btvi=6&fsb=1&xpc=CkYRHKiHtK&p=https%3A//

     can also teach words and spaces and later a long word,

     a sentence etc. jumbled sentences can be presented in some 

     attractive way to be corrected by the child.

           Up the peach tree, but…

            He could not catch the


         Sonu could not see it at 

all. He looked everywhere. 

At last he saw the butterfly. 

     There was a big spider’s 

    web in the peach tree. The

    butterfly was caught in the 

spider’s web. It looked sad

 as it tried to escape. It

 fluttered its wings. It twisted

 and turned. But it could not 

escape. The spider’s web

 held it tight.

Poor butterfly! 

In the middle of the web was a big spider. It looked hungry.

It wanted to catch the butterfly.

Closer and closer crawled the black spider.

Before the hungry spider could grab it, Sonu ran and… 

he caught the butterfly! 

It was so pretty. It had black spots on its yellow wings.

  Sonu loved the little butterfly.

  But it looked sad in Sonu’s hand.

   Sonu wanted it to be happy.

    “Go,” said Sonu,

 “Fly away!”

        H e l e t  t h e

 butterfly go. It sat on the red rose.  It 

 flew to the peach

 tree and then sailed 

on a lotus leaf. It

flew merrily from

 flower to flower. 

       Sonu watched 

it fly and fly.

The butterfly flew all around Sonu’s garden….happy

and free once again.

New words

escape, pond, peach, climb, catch, middle, hungry, float, 

shout, chase, flutter, twist

Reading if fun

   1. Where did Sonu first see the yellow butterfly?

   2. Name three places where the butterfly rested.

   3. Why did Sonu chase the butterfly?

   4. Why did Sonu let the butterfly go?

Talk time 

 1. If you were a butterfly, how would you feel if you were caught?

  2. Why did the butterfly go to the flowers in the garden?

3. Say these sentences aloud

    Butterflies can fly.                     Birds can fly.

 Kites can fly.                          Aeroplanes can fly.

  Can we fly?

   No, we can’t. We can fly in an aeroplane. 

   Let’s write

      Write the sentences in proper order using these words to

       help you:

        first       then       after this      finally

    1. Finally, I dress up and go to school.

    2. Then I brush my teeth and have a bath.

    3. First of all, I get out of bed.

    4. After this I eat my breakfast.

Team time 

    Activity: Paper fun

    Let’s make a butterfly.

    1. Take a sheet of paper.

            Cut two squares of the same size.

     2. Fold them like a fan. 

     3. Hold both the folded squares 

         and tie a thread in the middle. 

     4. Now spread the folds, and the  

        wings of your butterfly are ready.

     5. Cut the body of the butterfly and draw 

           its eyes. Put a smile on its face.

      6. Stick it on the wings and your 

           butterfly is ready.

      7. You may decorate your butterfly by sticking 

          some bindis, beads or sequins on it.

Word building

    Make two words from one word. One has been done for you.

    butterfly             butter           fly

    everywhere       ________      ________ 

    inside               ________       ________

    outside              ________      ________

    sunlight              ________      ________

Teacher’s Page    UNIT V


        Sky, colours, insects

         Appreciation of natural beauty


   With a new poem, ask children to remember words and outstanding lines.

    While reading, let children look for lines they like best, enjoy them and make a

     picture of them ‘‘in their minds’’.

     You can bring a packet of brightly coloured balloons and thread to class. Take

     the children out into the playground. Let each child blow one balloon and tie it×280&!6&btvi=5&fsb=1&xpc=0Ukvf4XlSo&p=https%3A//

      tightly with a piece of thread. Now let them leave the balloons and watch them 

      fly up with the breeze. Talk about how high they will fly in the sky. Talk also

      about the other things one can see in the sky including birds, butterflies,

      balloons, clouds etc. and their different colours.

      The story must be read in a clear voice, and appropriate expressions so that it

       is told well and will live in the memory of the children.

       Take children outdoors if possible, where they see butterflies on flowers and

        tell them about how they feed on nectar. Draw the body of a butterfly on the

        blackboard. Talk to the children about its different parts.

       Paper folding activity: Give every child a square piece of paper. Let them colour

       it with dots and lines before making a butterfly.

      Help children to make colourful balloons by cutting pictures from old

     magazines and newspapers. They can stick these on chart papers and put

     them up in the class.

     Help children to find out the colours in the maze by reading the

     letters vertically and horizontally.

     Explain the difficult words in the text. You can supply pictures

     for them. Write new sentences on the blackboard. This way you×280&!7&btvi=6&fsb=1&xpc=CkYRHKiHtK&p=https%3A//

     can also teach words and spaces and later a long word,

     a sentence etc. jumbled sentences can be presented in some 

     attractive way to be corrected by the child.

         Sonu saw the butterfly. He ran to catch it.

                 The butterfly flew to the rose bed. It sat on a red rose.

                     “Now I can catch it!” said Sonu. 

                        He walked slowly and silently 

                         to catch the butterfly. He came

                          closer, closer, and still closer,

                           but then…

                               Off flew the butterfly! 

                              Where did the butterfly go? 

                              Near the garden was a pond. In 

                             the pond was a white lotus.

                             Around it grew round leaves. 

                             They floated in the water.

    The butterfly sailed on a floating leaf. 

Sonu went splash into the water and… 

    Off flew the butterfly!

    Where was it? Sonu looked up, he looked down.

 Near the wall was a peach tree. It had pink flowers. 

 The butterfly sat on a pretty flower.

      “I can catch you!” shouted Sonu. He climbed

 up the tree. Up, up he climbed, but….

       Back it flew, down from the tree.

       Sonu jumped down too. He

     chased the butterfly,

          From the rose,

           to the lotus, and,

           Up the peach tree, but…

            He could not catch the


         Sonu could not see it at 

all. He looked everywhere. 

At last he saw the butterfly. 

     There was a big spider’s 

    web in the peach tree. The

    butterfly was caught in the 

spider’s web. It looked sad

 as it tried to escape. It

 fluttered its wings. It twisted

 and turned. But it could not 

escape. The spider’s web

 held it tight.

Poor butterfly! 

In the middle of the web was a big spider. It looked hungry.

It wanted to catch the butterfly.

Closer and closer crawled the black spider.

Before the hungry spider could grab it, Sonu ran and… 

he caught the butterfly! 

It was so pretty. It had black spots on its yellow wings.

  Sonu loved the little butterfly.

  But it looked sad in Sonu’s hand.

   Sonu wanted it to be happy.

    “Go,” said Sonu,

 “Fly away!”

        H e l e t  t h e

 butterfly go. It sat on the red rose.  It 

 flew to the peach

 tree and then sailed 

on a lotus leaf. It

flew merrily from

 flower to flower. 

       Sonu watched 

it fly and fly.

The butterfly flew all around Sonu’s garden….happy

and free once again.

New words

escape, pond, peach, climb, catch, middle, hungry, float, 

shout, chase, flutter, twist

Reading if fun

   1. Where did Sonu first see the yellow butterfly?

   2. Name three places where the butterfly rested.

   3. Why did Sonu chase the butterfly?

   4. Why did Sonu let the butterfly go?

Talk time 

 1. If you were a butterfly, how would you feel if you were caught?

  2. Why did the butterfly go to the flowers in the garden?

3. Say these sentences aloud

    Butterflies can fly.                     Birds can fly.

 Kites can fly.                          Aeroplanes can fly.

  Can we fly?

   No, we can’t. We can fly in an aeroplane. 

   Let’s write

      Write the sentences in proper order using these words to

       help you:

        first       then       after this      finally

    1. Finally, I dress up and go to school.

    2. Then I brush my teeth and have a bath.

    3. First of all, I get out of bed.

    4. After this I eat my breakfast.

Team time 

    Activity: Paper fun

    Let’s make a butterfly.

    1. Take a sheet of paper.

            Cut two squares of the same size.

     2. Fold them like a fan. 

     3. Hold both the folded squares 

         and tie a thread in the middle. 

     4. Now spread the folds, and the  

        wings of your butterfly are ready.

     5. Cut the body of the butterfly and draw 

           its eyes. Put a smile on its face.

      6. Stick it on the wings and your 

           butterfly is ready.

      7. You may decorate your butterfly by sticking 

          some bindis, beads or sequins on it.

Word building

    Make two words from one word. One has been done for you.

    butterfly             butter           fly

    everywhere       ________      ________ 

    inside               ________       ________

    outside              ________      ________

    sunlight              ________      ________

Teacher’s Page    UNIT V


        Sky, colours, insects

         Appreciation of natural beauty


   With a new poem, ask children to remember words and outstanding lines.

    While reading, let children look for lines they like best, enjoy them and make a

     picture of them ‘‘in their minds’’.

     You can bring a packet of brightly coloured balloons and thread to class. Take

     the children out into the playground. Let each child blow one balloon and tie it×280&!6&btvi=5&fsb=1&xpc=0Ukvf4XlSo&p=https%3A//

      tightly with a piece of thread. Now let them leave the balloons and watch them 

      fly up with the breeze. Talk about how high they will fly in the sky. Talk also

      about the other things one can see in the sky including birds, butterflies,

      balloons, clouds etc. and their different colours.

      The story must be read in a clear voice, and appropriate expressions so that it

       is told well and will live in the memory of the children.

       Take children outdoors if possible, where they see butterflies on flowers and

        tell them about how they feed on nectar. Draw the body of a butterfly on the

        blackboard. Talk to the children about its different parts.

       Paper folding activity: Give every child a square piece of paper. Let them colour

       it with dots and lines before making a butterfly.

      Help children to make colourful balloons by cutting pictures from old

     magazines and newspapers. They can stick these on chart papers and put

     them up in the class.

     Help children to find out the colours in the maze by reading the

     letters vertically and horizontally.

     Explain the difficult words in the text. You can supply pictures

     for them. Write new sentences on the blackboard. This way you×280&!7&btvi=6&fsb=1&xpc=CkYRHKiHtK&p=https%3A//

     can also teach words and spaces and later a long word,

     a sentence etc. jumbled sentences can be presented in some 

     attractive way to be corrected by the child.


Does a balloon man visit your market? Let’s see what this 

balloon man brings with him.

The Balloon Man

He always comes on market days

 And holds balloons – a lovely bunch – 

And in the market square he stays,

 And never seems to think of lunch.

They’re red and purple, blue and green, 

And when it is a sunny day

 The carts and people get between 

You see them shining far away.

And some are big and some are small,

 All tied together with a string. 

And if there is a wind at all

 They tug and tug like anything.

Some day perhaps he’ll let them go 

And we shall see them sailing high,

 And stand and watch them from below — 

They would look pretty in the sky!

                  Rose Fyleman

New words

 bunch, square, sunny, tug

Reading is fun 

   1. Where does the balloon man stand?

   2. What happens to the balloons when there is a wind?

    3. What does the child like to see the balloon man do?

Talk time 

   1. How high can balloons fly?

   2. What do you like about this poem?

Word building 

  i. Identify the words from the jumbled letters and write the

        word in the space provided.

   llaboons     _____________        cunlh   _____________ 

  ulbe             _____________      ploeep   _____________×280&!4&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=2HKPDo3ypg&p=https%3A//

  wolbe           _____________     crat       _____________

ii. Put the words given in the box into the following groups

(a) nature         _____________          _____________  

(b) food             ______________         ______________ 

(c) colours          ______________          ______________  

wind      turnip      purple    pineapple     sky 

green      grass     white         yellow      rice

iii. How many colours can you find hidden in this maze?

 Write their names below.

1. ____________        2.    ____________         5. ____________ 

3. ____________        4. ____________            6. ____________×280&!5&btvi=3&fsb=1&xpc=YF59LEvwv1&p=https%3A//

iv. Fill in the blanks in the balloons with their opposites. You can 

    find them in the poem The Balloon Man. One is done for you. 

 never             small          rainy    

 always             ______      ______

 low                 sit              near 

______           ______       ______ 

Team time 

  Take any magazine or newspaper which has colourful pages.

   Cut out balloons of various sizes and shapes carefully, 

    using a pair of scissors.

  Paste the balloons on a large sheet of paper.

  Arrange them to make a colourful bunch of balloons.

  Draw a string for each balloon in a different colour.

Say aloud

   string            stand

   stream           sting

    strong           still 

     haul                hall

     mite                 might

    tail                     tale 

    sale                        sail


    A yellow butterfly flew around in Sonu’s garden.

         Sonu saw the butterfly. He ran to catch it.

                 The butterfly flew to the rose bed. It sat on a red rose.

                     “Now I can catch it!” said Sonu. 

                        He walked slowly and silently 

                         to catch the butterfly. He came

                          closer, closer, and still closer,

                           but then…

                               Off flew the butterfly! 

                              Where did the butterfly go? 

                              Near the garden was a pond. In 

                             the pond was a white lotus.

                             Around it grew round leaves. 

                             They floated in the water.

    The butterfly sailed on a floating leaf. 

Sonu went splash into the water and… 

    Off flew the butterfly!

    Where was it? Sonu looked up, he looked down.

 Near the wall was a peach tree. It had pink flowers. 

 The butterfly sat on a pretty flower.

      “I can catch you!” shouted Sonu. He climbed

 up the tree. Up, up he climbed, but….

       Back it flew, down from the tree.

       Sonu jumped down too. He

     chased the butterfly,

          From the rose,

           to the lotus, and,

           Up the peach tree, but…

            He could not catch the


         Sonu could not see it at 

all. He looked everywhere. 

At last he saw the butterfly. 

     There was a big spider’s 

    web in the peach tree. The

    butterfly was caught in the 

spider’s web. It looked sad

 as it tried to escape. It

 fluttered its wings. It twisted

 and turned. But it could not 

escape. The spider’s web

 held it tight.

Poor butterfly! 

In the middle of the web was a big spider. It looked hungry.

It wanted to catch the butterfly.

Closer and closer crawled the black spider.

Before the hungry spider could grab it, Sonu ran and… 

he caught the butterfly! 

It was so pretty. It had black spots on its yellow wings.

  Sonu loved the little butterfly.

  But it looked sad in Sonu’s hand.

   Sonu wanted it to be happy.

    “Go,” said Sonu,

 “Fly away!”

        H e l e t  t h e

 butterfly go. It sat on the red rose.  It 

 flew to the peach

 tree and then sailed 

on a lotus leaf. It

flew merrily from

 flower to flower. 

       Sonu watched 

it fly and fly.

The butterfly flew all around Sonu’s garden….happy

and free once again.

New words

escape, pond, peach, climb, catch, middle, hungry, float, 

shout, chase, flutter, twist

Reading if fun

   1. Where did Sonu first see the yellow butterfly?

   2. Name three places where the butterfly rested.

   3. Why did Sonu chase the butterfly?

   4. Why did Sonu let the butterfly go?

Talk time 

 1. If you were a butterfly, how would you feel if you were caught?

  2. Why did the butterfly go to the flowers in the garden?

3. Say these sentences aloud

    Butterflies can fly.                     Birds can fly.

 Kites can fly.                          Aeroplanes can fly.

  Can we fly?

   No, we can’t. We can fly in an aeroplane. 

   Let’s write

      Write the sentences in proper order using these words to

       help you:

        first       then       after this      finally

    1. Finally, I dress up and go to school.

    2. Then I brush my teeth and have a bath.

    3. First of all, I get out of bed.

    4. After this I eat my breakfast.

Team time 

    Activity: Paper fun

    Let’s make a butterfly.

    1. Take a sheet of paper.

            Cut two squares of the same size.

     2. Fold them like a fan. 

     3. Hold both the folded squares 

         and tie a thread in the middle. 

     4. Now spread the folds, and the  

        wings of your butterfly are ready.

     5. Cut the body of the butterfly and draw 

           its eyes. Put a smile on its face.

      6. Stick it on the wings and your 

           butterfly is ready.

      7. You may decorate your butterfly by sticking 

          some bindis, beads or sequins on it.

Word building

    Make two words from one word. One has been done for you.

    butterfly             butter           fly

    everywhere       ________      ________ 

    inside               ________       ________

    outside              ________      ________

    sunlight              ________      ________

Teacher’s Page    UNIT V


        Sky, colours, insects

         Appreciation of natural beauty


   With a new poem, ask children to remember words and outstanding lines.

    While reading, let children look for lines they like best, enjoy them and make a

     picture of them ‘‘in their minds’’.

     You can bring a packet of brightly coloured balloons and thread to class. Take

     the children out into the playground. Let each child blow one balloon and tie it×280&!6&btvi=5&fsb=1&xpc=0Ukvf4XlSo&p=https%3A//

      tightly with a piece of thread. Now let them leave the balloons and watch them 

      fly up with the breeze. Talk about how high they will fly in the sky. Talk also

      about the other things one can see in the sky including birds, butterflies,

      balloons, clouds etc. and their different colours.

      The story must be read in a clear voice, and appropriate expressions so that it

       is told well and will live in the memory of the children.

       Take children outdoors if possible, where they see butterflies on flowers and

        tell them about how they feed on nectar. Draw the body of a butterfly on the

        blackboard. Talk to the children about its different parts.

       Paper folding activity: Give every child a square piece of paper. Let them colour

       it with dots and lines before making a butterfly.

      Help children to make colourful balloons by cutting pictures from old

     magazines and newspapers. They can stick these on chart papers and put

     them up in the class.

     Help children to find out the colours in the maze by reading the

     letters vertically and horizontally.

     Explain the difficult words in the text. You can supply pictures

     for them. Write new sentences on the blackboard. This way you×280&!7&btvi=6&fsb=1&xpc=CkYRHKiHtK&p=https%3A//

     can also teach words and spaces and later a long word,

     a sentence etc. jumbled sentences can be presented in some 

     attractive way to be corrected by the child.

 Kites can fly.                          Aeroplanes can fly.

  Can we fly?

   No, we can’t. We can fly in an aeroplane. 

   Let’s write

      Write the sentences in proper order using these words to

       help you:

        first       then       after this      finally

    1. Finally, I dress up and go to school.

    2. Then I brush my teeth and have a bath.

    3. First of all, I get out of bed.

    4. After this I eat my breakfast.

Team time 

    Activity: Paper fun

    Let’s make a butterfly.

    1. Take a sheet of paper.

            Cut two squares of the same size.

     2. Fold them like a fan. 

     3. Hold both the folded squares 

         and tie a thread in the middle. 

     4. Now spread the folds, and the  

        wings of your butterfly are ready.

     5. Cut the body of the butterfly and draw 

           its eyes. Put a smile on its face.

      6. Stick it on the wings and your 

           butterfly is ready.

      7. You may decorate your butterfly by sticking 

          some bindis, beads or sequins on it.

Word building

    Make two words from one word. One has been done for you.

    butterfly             butter           fly

    everywhere       ________      ________ 

    inside               ________       ________

    outside              ________      ________

    sunlight              ________      ________

Teacher’s Page    UNIT V


        Sky, colours, insects

         Appreciation of natural beauty


   With a new poem, ask children to remember words and outstanding lines.

    While reading, let children look for lines they like best, enjoy them and make a

     picture of them ‘‘in their minds’’.

     You can bring a packet of brightly coloured balloons and thread to class. Take

     the children out into the playground. Let each child blow one balloon and tie it×280&!6&btvi=5&fsb=1&xpc=0Ukvf4XlSo&p=https%3A//

      tightly with a piece of thread. Now let them leave the balloons and watch them 

      fly up with the breeze. Talk about how high they will fly in the sky. Talk also

      about the other things one can see in the sky including birds, butterflies,

      balloons, clouds etc. and their different colours.

      The story must be read in a clear voice, and appropriate expressions so that it

       is told well and will live in the memory of the children.

       Take children outdoors if possible, where they see butterflies on flowers and

        tell them about how they feed on nectar. Draw the body of a butterfly on the

        blackboard. Talk to the children about its different parts.

       Paper folding activity: Give every child a square piece of paper. Let them colour

       it with dots and lines before making a butterfly.

      Help children to make colourful balloons by cutting pictures from old

     magazines and newspapers. They can stick these on chart papers and put

     them up in the class.

     Help children to find out the colours in the maze by reading the

     letters vertically and horizontally.

     Explain the difficult words in the text. You can supply pictures

     for them. Write new sentences on the blackboard. This way you×280&!7&btvi=6&fsb=1&xpc=CkYRHKiHtK&p=https%3A//

     can also teach words and spaces and later a long word,

     a sentence etc. jumbled sentences can be presented in some 

     attractive way to be corrected by the child.


Does a balloon man visit your market? Let’s see what this

balloon man brings with him.

The Balloon Man

He always comes on market days

And holds balloons – a lovely bunch –

And in the market square he stays,

And never seems to think of lunch.

They’re red and purple, blue and green,

And when it is a sunny day

The carts and people get between

You see them shining far away.

And some are big and some are small,

All tied together with a string.

And if there is a wind at all

They tug and tug like anything.

Some day perhaps he’ll let them go

And we shall see them sailing high,

And stand and watch them from below —

They would look pretty in the sky!

              Rose Fyleman

New words

bunch, square, sunny, tug

Reading is fun

  1. Where does the balloon man stand?
  2. What happens to the balloons when there is a wind?
    1. What does the child like to see the balloon man do?

Talk time

  1. How high can balloons fly?
  2. What do you like about this poem?

Word building

i. Identify the words from the jumbled letters and write the

    word in the space provided.

llaboons _ cunlh _

ulbe _ ploeep _

wolbe _ crat _

ii. Put the words given in the box into the following groups

(a) nature _ _

(b) food __ __

(c) colours __ __

wind turnip purple pineapple sky

green grass white yellow rice

iii. How many colours can you find hidden in this maze?

Write their names below.

  1. _ 2. _ 5. __
  2. _ 4. _ 6. __

iv. Fill in the blanks in the balloons with their opposites. You can

find them in the poem The Balloon Man. One is done for you. 

never small rainy

always _ _

low sit near

_ _

Team time

Take any magazine or newspaper which has colourful pages.

Cut out balloons of various sizes and shapes carefully,

using a pair of scissors.

Paste the balloons on a large sheet of paper.

Arrange them to make a colourful bunch of balloons.

Draw a string for each balloon in a different colour.

Say aloud

string stand

stream sting

strong           still 

 haul                hall

 mite                 might

tail                     tale 

sale                        sail


A yellow butterfly flew around in Sonu’s garden.

     Sonu saw the butterfly. He ran to catch it.

             The butterfly flew to the rose bed. It sat on a red rose.

                 “Now I can catch it!” said Sonu. 

                    He walked slowly and silently 

                     to catch the butterfly. He came

                      closer, closer, and still closer,

                       but then...

                           Off flew the butterfly! 

                          Where did the butterfly go? 

                          Near the garden was a pond. In 

                         the pond was a white lotus.

                         Around it grew round leaves. 

                         They floated in the water.

The butterfly sailed on a floating leaf. 

Sonu went splash into the water and…

Off flew the butterfly!

Where was it? Sonu looked up, he looked down.

Near the wall was a peach tree. It had pink flowers.

The butterfly sat on a pretty flower.

  “I can catch you!” shouted Sonu. He climbed

up the tree. Up, up he climbed, but….

   Back it flew, down from the tree.

   Sonu jumped down too. He

 chased the butterfly,

      From the rose,

       to the lotus, and,

       Up the peach tree, but...

        He could not catch the


     Sonu could not see it at 

all. He looked everywhere.

At last he saw the butterfly.

 There was a big spider's 

web in the peach tree. The

butterfly was caught in the 

spider’s web. It looked sad

as it tried to escape. It

fluttered its wings. It twisted

and turned. But it could not

escape. The spider’s web

held it tight.

Poor butterfly!

In the middle of the web was a big spider. It looked hungry.

It wanted to catch the butterfly.

Closer and closer crawled the black spider.

Before the hungry spider could grab it, Sonu ran and…

he caught the butterfly!

It was so pretty. It had black spots on its yellow wings.

Sonu loved the little butterfly.

But it looked sad in Sonu’s hand.

Sonu wanted it to be happy.

“Go,” said Sonu,

“Fly away!”

    H e l e t  t h e

butterfly go. It sat on the red rose. It

flew to the peach

tree and then sailed

on a lotus leaf. It

flew merrily from

flower to flower.

   Sonu watched 

it fly and fly.

The butterfly flew all around Sonu’s garden….happy

and free once again.

New words

escape, pond, peach, climb, catch, middle, hungry, float,

shout, chase, flutter, twist

Reading if fun

  1. Where did Sonu first see the yellow butterfly?
  2. Name three places where the butterfly rested.
  3. Why did Sonu chase the butterfly?
  4. Why did Sonu let the butterfly go?

Talk time

  1. If you were a butterfly, how would you feel if you were caught?
  2. Why did the butterfly go to the flowers in the garden?
  3. Say these sentences aloud Butterflies can fly. Birds can fly. Kites can fly. Aeroplanes can fly. Can we fly? No, we can’t. We can fly in an aeroplane. Let’s write Write the sentences in proper order using these words to help you: first then after this finally
    1. Finally, I dress up and go to school.
    2. Then I brush my teeth and have a bath.
    3. First of all, I get out of bed.
    4. After this I eat my breakfast.

Team time

Activity: Paper fun

Let’s make a butterfly.

1. Take a sheet of paper.

        Cut two squares of the same size.

 2. Fold them like a fan. 

 3. Hold both the folded squares 

     and tie a thread in the middle. 

 4. Now spread the folds, and the  

    wings of your butterfly are ready.

 5. Cut the body of the butterfly and draw 

       its eyes. Put a smile on its face.

  6. Stick it on the wings and your 

       butterfly is ready.

  7. You may decorate your butterfly by sticking 

      some bindis, beads or sequins on it.

Word building

Make two words from one word. One has been done for you.

butterfly             butter           fly

everywhere       ________      ________ 

inside               ________       ________

outside              ________      ________

sunlight              ________      ________

Teacher’s Page UNIT V


    Sky, colours, insects

     Appreciation of natural beauty


With a new poem, ask children to remember words and outstanding lines.

While reading, let children look for lines they like best, enjoy them and make a

 picture of them ‘‘in their minds’’.

 You can bring a packet of brightly coloured balloons and thread to class. Take

 the children out into the playground. Let each child blow one balloon and tie it

  tightly with a piece of thread. Now let them leave the balloons and watch them 

  fly up with the breeze. Talk about how high they will fly in the sky. Talk also

  about the other things one can see in the sky including birds, butterflies,

  balloons, clouds etc. and their different colours.

  The story must be read in a clear voice, and appropriate expressions so that it

   is told well and will live in the memory of the children.

   Take children outdoors if possible, where they see butterflies on flowers and

    tell them about how they feed on nectar. Draw the body of a butterfly on the

    blackboard. Talk to the children about its different parts.

   Paper folding activity: Give every child a square piece of paper. Let them colour

   it with dots and lines before making a butterfly.

  Help children to make colourful balloons by cutting pictures from old

 magazines and newspapers. They can stick these on chart papers and put

 them up in the class.

 Help children to find out the colours in the maze by reading the

 letters vertically and horizontally.

 Explain the difficult words in the text. You can supply pictures

 for them. Write new sentences on the blackboard. This way you

 can also teach words and spaces and later a long word,

 a sentence etc. jumbled sentences can be presented in some 

 attractive way to be corrected by the child.

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