NCERT Class 4 Environmental Studies (Looking Around) Chapter 7 Answer | From the Window

Chapter 7

From the Window

1) What was the difference in the scene that Omana saw from the train on the first day and on the second day?

2) Omana saw many kinds of vehicles at the level-crossing. Which of them run on diesel or petrol?

3) Why was there so much smoke and noise from the vehicles at the level crossing?

4) What can we do to reduce noise of the vehicle and save petrol and diesel? Discuss.

5) Have you seen any bridges? Where?

6) Have you ever crossed a bridge? Where?

7) What was the bridge built over?

8) What did you see below the bridge?

9) What did you see below the bridge?

10) Find out why bridges are made.

11) Have you ever been through a tunnel? How did you feel?

12) The route from Goa to Kerala has a total of 2000 bridges and 92 tunnels! Why do you think there are so many bridges and tunnels?

13) Imagine and draw in your notebook what Omana saw under the bridge when her train crossed it?

14) Imagine, if on the way there had been no tunnels and bridges, how would Omana’s train have crossed the moutains and rivers?

15) Which languages do you speak at home?

16) On the way from Gujarat to Kerala Omana’s train went through several states of our country. Find out and list which states it crossed.

17) Did you ever have coconut water? How did you find it? Discuss.

19) Draw a coconut tree and discuss in the class about it

20)  What do you call them?

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