NCERT Class 2 English Answer | Chapter 6 | Between Home and School

— jumping over the canals!

— climbing the trees!
— swinging from the branches! —

watching garden lizards!

Yet we reach school on time

New words

school | paddy | fields |

grove |route | canals |

branches | lizards | bicycle

Let us speak

A. What time do you leave home for school? At what time does your school start?


B. Tell your classmates about the fun you had on your way

to school


C. Listen to the words that your teacher will read out. Point to the object that represents the word


Let us write

A. Write ‘ch’ to fill in the blanks. Read the sentences aloud

  1. Today I have brought upma for lun _ _.
  2. My friend Unni loves to eat banana _ _ ips.
  3. Our Tea _ _ er put up a new _ _ art in the classroom. It is on the wall behind her __ __ air.

Let us write

A. Circle all the things that Ravi and his friend see on their

way to school

        canals         bank     hospital     water park

    mango grove   paddy fields    lizards    park 

    cars                  train     main road    trees

B. Answer the following questions.

  1. Name some interesting things you see everyday between your home and your school.
  2. Ask among your family members as to who had gone on a very long journey. Write a few sentences on
  • where they had gone
  • which mode of transport they used for going and for returning
  1. Rearrange the jumbled letters to form words. Hint: The words are from the lesson

A. Make sentences using the words given below.

  1. gate _______________________________
  2. road _______________________________
  3. tree _______________________________
  4. lunch _______________________________
  5. lizard __________________________

B. Cut out the picture of a vehicle from an old magazine or

newspaper or poster. Bring it to the class. All of you can

paste them on a large sheet of paper.

Write the name of the vehicle under each picture.

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