NCERT Class 4 Environmental Studies (Looking Around) Chapter 12 Answer | Changing Time

 Chapter 12 

Changing Time 

1) Talk to any one of your grandparents or any other elderly person. Find out, when she or he was eight-nine years old 

2) Where did she or he live? Name that place. 

3) From what material was her or his house made?

4) Did they have a toilet in their house? If no, where was it?

5) In Which part of the house was food cooked? 

6) A lot of mud was used when Chetandas’ house was made. Why? 

7) Chetandas tells that  people from the besti used to come to clean the toilets and take away the waste.

8) The people how used the toilets did not clean them. Discuss.

9) Is there a toilet in your house? Who cleans it? 

10) What material have been used in making your house? 

11) Find out the material from which your friend’ s house is made? Is there any difference? Write about it.

12) What kind of house do you think Chetandas’ grandchildren will live in? 

13) Where would you like to live when you grow up? What kind of house would you like? 

14) You had written about the things that your grandparent’ house was made of. Has some of those material been used in your house? Name them.

15) People are given names according to the work they do. For example, a person who works with  wood is called a carpenter.

16) In your place, what do you call a person who works with wood ?

17) With your teacher or someone from home , go to a place where a building is being constructed.

Take to the people working there and find out answers to these questions 

18)What is being built there? 

19) How many people are working there ? 

20) What kind of work are they doing?

21) How many men and women are there? 

22) Are any children working there? What are they doing?

23)     How much money do these people get paid daily? Ask from any three different people.

24) Where do these people live?

25) What are the material being used for making the building ?

26) Try and guess how many trucks of bricks and bags of cement will be used for making the building.

27) How do the material reach the building site? (By truck, handcart, any other vehicle) List them.

28) Ask a few other questions and write their answers.

29) Divide the children in the class into 3-4 groups. Let each group make a model of a different house. For this you can use mud, wood, paper, pieces of cloth, shoe-boxes, match boxes and colours.

30) Place all the houses so as to construct a neighbourhood colony.

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