NCERT Class 4 Environmental Studies (Looking Around) Chapter 19 Answer| Abdul in the Garden

Chapter 18

Abdul in the Garden

1) Abdul in the Garden

2) Do all plants have roots?

3)  Look at some plants and trees around you. Imagine how deep and spread out the roots of these are.

4) After three days, Abdul saw that one broken part of the pea plant had dried. Guess which part would have dried up? Why ?

5)  Why do you think the neem tree did not fall despite the strong wind?

6) On putting water in the soil where the plants are growing, the droping leaves become fresh again. How?

7) What do you feel, do all plants need water?

8) Which of the plants around you need regular watering?

9) What will happen, if nobody gives water to these plants?

10) Abdul realised that he never watered the huge neem tree. “Where did it get its water from?” he thought. Which of the plants around you do not need watering. Where do they get water from? Make two guesses.

11) Abdul wondered whether radish was a root. Why did he think so?

12) Would someone have uprooted such a big tree or would it have fallen on its own?

13) How old would this tree be?

14) Abdul on seeing a tree surrounded by cemented ground, thought that how will it get rain water?

15) Which are the oldest trees in your area? Find out from your elders how old the trees are?

16) Name animals who live on this tree

17) Have you ever seen any big tree that had fallen down? What did you think when you saw it?

18) What difference did you observe in the seeds after soaking? Compare with dry seeds and write.

19) What do you think would happen if the cotton wool had been left dry?

20)  In which direction did the roots grow? And the stem?

21) How big did the plant grow in the cotton wool?

22) Did small plants come out from all the seeds?

23) What is the colour of the roots?

24) Did you see how the roots grip the cotton wool? Do you think that the roots hold the soil in the same way? Also look at the plants grown by your friends.

25) What do you think? Which of these things listed by Arif and Roopali grow?

26) Why don’t you make your own list of things that grow?

27)  Has your height increased? How much taller have you grown in the last one year?

28)  Imagine that you had never cut your nails! Draw a picture of your fingers in the notebook to show how they would have looked

29)What other part of your body (some people cut it regularly) keeps growing?

30)Try and pull out one little plant from the cotton wool. Were you able to pull it out? Why?

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