NCERT Class 4 Environmental Studies (Looking Around) Chapter 20 Answer| Eating Together

 Chapter 20

Eating Together

1)  Do you like to eat with others?

2) On what occasions do you eat together with your friends?

3) Have you ever had a party in your class? When? What all did you do to arrange a party?

4) What did you and your classmates bring to the party?

5) What all did you eat?

6) Who were the people you invited for your party?

7) Were there some people who work in your school, whom you could not invite? Who were these people? 

8) Did you wear any special dress for the party?

9) What are the things that you can do to make the party greater fun for everyone? Discuss.

10) Where is the festival of Bihu celebrated?

11) Which are the festivals you celebrate together with other families?

12) Does everyone cook and eat together on such festivals? What are some of the special dishes that are cooked? How are they cooked?

13) Are some special vessels used for cooking these items? What are they?

14) Which is the biggest vessel that is used? Can you draw a picture of it? Can you guess how many people can eat the food that is cooked in it at one time?

15) Can you guess how many people must have eaten together in the village feast?

16)  Have you ever seen the Bihu dance? Did you like it?

17) Find out from the students in your class, the festivals that they celebrate and the special food that they eat on these days. Who cooks the special food for festivals?

18) Do you wear clothes of some special colours on some festivals? Make a picture of these clothes in your notebook

19)Are there special songs that are sung at different festivals in your place? Learn some of these songs and sing them in the class.

20) Learn some special festival dances. Perform these with your friends in your school assembly.

21) When you meet friends of your own age do you do anything special – like play a game, chat or watch a movie? What else do you do?

22) Write about the food given in your school. If you do not get food in school, ask a friend or someone else who gets food in school

23) What time is the meal served?

24) What do you get in the meal at school?

25) Do you like the mid-day meal that you get?

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