NCERT Class 5 Environmental Studies (Looking Around) Chapter 11 Answer | Sunita in Space

What do you think?

If the earth is round like a globe, how is it that we do not fall off?

Do the people in Argentina stand upside down?

Look at the photographs and write

Can you think why Sunita’s hair was standing

Look at Sunita’s photographs and the dates written on each of them. Write what all is happening and when?

Look at this photograph and tell

Can you see India?

Can you recognise any other place?

Where is the sea? w Do you find anything similar between the globe and this picture of the earth? In what ways are they different?

Do you think Sunita could make out Pakistan, Nepal and Burma separately, when she saw the earth from space?

Find out

When is the next full moon? At what time will the moon rise on this day? What does the moon look like on this day? Draw it.

What are the festivals related to the moon?

At night look at the sky carefully for 5 minutes.

– What could you see?

– Did you see anything moving in the sky? What do you think it could be? A star or a shooting star or a satellite (satellites are used for the TV, telephones and for weather reports). Find out more about this

What we have learnt

Why do children always slide down the slide and not slide up? If this slide were there in Sunita’s spacecraft, would children slide like this? Why?

Why do we see stars mostly at night?

Looking at earth from the space, Sunita said, “Different countries cannot be seen as separate from here. These lines are on paper. They are made by us.” What do you understand by this?

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