NCERT Class 5 Environmental Studies (Looking Around) Chapter 7 Answer | Experiments with Water

Find out from the other groups which things floated and which sank in the water?

After doing the experiment, fill in the blanks.

  1. The iron nail _ in water but the katori . I think this happened because ______________________ 2. The empty plastic bottle _ on water. The bottle filled with water because ___________________
  2. The aluminium foil _ when it was spread out. When pressed tightly into a ball it ___. This may have happened because ________________________

Is it magic?

When Ayesha woke up in the morning, Ammi had fever. Abbu made some tea and went to give medicines to Ammi. He told Ayesha, “You boil eggs. Also put some salt in the water.” Ayesha took water in a pot. By mistake she put too much salt in the water. She saw the eggs at the bottom of the pot come up a little and start to float in water!

Take some water in a glass. Put a lemon in it. Now keep putting salt in the water, half-a-spoon at a time. Were you able to float your lemon in water?

What do you think, the lemon floated in salty water, because……

Tell Could you see the salt after it dissolved in water? If no, why?

Does that mean that now the water does not have salt? If it has, then where is the salt?

What difference did you see – in the water with salt, and the water with chalk powder – after keeping for sometime?

Which of the two would you be able to separate from the water by straining with a cloth – salt or chalk powder?

Where did the water go?

One day Ayesha’s mother put some water to boil on the stove for making tea. She got busy with something and forgot about it. When she remembered and came to check, she found very little water left in the pan.

Think where did the water go?

Why did Chittibabu and Chinnababu keep their mango jelly in the sun?

At your house, what things are made by drying in the sun?

What we have learnt

You have washed your handkerchief and you want to dry it quickly. What all can you do?

What things do you put in water to make tea? Which of those things dissolves in water?

You have been given some mishri pieces (lumps of sugar). Suggest some ways to dissolve them quickly.

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