AJB Class 4 English Chapter 15। Opposite word । Question Answer |

Chapter 15

Opposite word 

 1. What is the opposite word of a big ball ?

Ans: A small ball .

2. What is the opposite word of a tall tree ?

Ans: A short tree .

3. What is the opposite word of a White shirt ?

Ans: Black shirt .

4. What is the opposite word of fat boy ?

Ans: A slim boy .

5. What is the opposite word a bright day ?

Ans: A dull day .

6. What is the opposite word of a beautiful dress  ?

Ans: An ugly dress .

7. What is the opposite word of an old bag ?

Ans: A new bag .

8. What is the opposite word of a strong man ?

Ans: A weak man .

9. What is the opposite word of a hot milk ?

Ans : cold milk .

10. What is the opposite word of rich ?

Ans: Poor .

Type – Boby bora

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