AJB Class 4 English Chapter 18। Is Your Name Riya। Question Answer |

Chapter 18

Is Your Name Riya

 1. What is the positive question of  am i ?

Ans:  I am .

2. What is the negative question of am i ?

Ans: I am not .

3. What is the positive question of is she  ?

Ans: She is .

4. What is the Negative question of  is she ?

Ans: She is not .

5. What is the positive question of is he ?

Ans: He is .

6. What is the negative question of is he ?

Ans: he is not .

7. What is the positive question of are we ?

Ans: we are .

8. What is the negative question of are we ?

Ans: we are not .

9. What is the positive question of are they ?

Ans: They are .

10. what is the negative question of are they ?

Ans: They are not .

Type – Boby Bora

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