AJB Class 4 English Chapter 4। Neil’s Village। Question Answer |

Chapter 4

Neil’s Village

1. How many cows are there in the farm ?

Ans: Two cows .

2. Who lives with Titu uncle ?

Ans: Her Grandmother .

3. How many dogs does  he have ?

Ans: Three dogs .

4. How many ducks are there in the farm ?

Ans: Two duck .

5. How many cocks are there in the farm ?

Ans: One cock .

6. how many cat are there in the farm ?

Ans: One cat .

7. Who cleans the farm himself ?

Ans: Titu uncle .

8. Who milks the cows herself ?

Ans: Grandmother .

9. Who feed the animals ownself ?

Ans: Neil .

10. What the animals drink on the farm ?

Ans: Water .

11. From where the animals drink Water ?

Ans: From the pond on the farm .

Type – Boby Bora

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