AJB Class 4 English Chapter 9। Raktim and his Butterflies। Question Answer |

Chapter 9

Raktim and his Butterflies

 1. What is the Past participle of go ?

Ans: Gone .

2 . What is the past form of Come ?

Ans: Came .

3. What is the Past participle of listen ?

Ans: Listened .

4. What is the past form of read ?

Ans: Read .

5. What is the past participle of speak ?

Ans: Read .

6. What is the past form of Write ?

Ans: Wrote .

7. What is the past form of  learn?

Ans: learned.

8. What is the past form of teach ?

Ans: Taught.

9. What is the past participle of see ?

Ans: seen .

10. what is the participle of  drink ?

Ans: Drunk .

Type – Boby Bora

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