AJB Class 8 English Chapter 13 Break, Break, Break । Question Answer |

Chapter 13

Break, Break, Break

1. What is the name of the poet ?

Ans: Lord Alfred Tennyson .

2. Where was he he born ?

Ans: he was born in Somerby Lincolnshire, England .

3. When was he born ?

Ans: He was born in 1809 .

4. Where does he study ?

Ans : he studied at Trinity college, Cambridge . 

5. What was the name of his friend ?

Ans: Arthur Henry Hallam .

6. When does the authors friend died ?

Ans: 1833 .

7. Write one of his famous poem ?

Ans: In Memoriam .

8. When does the poet died ?

Ans: 1892 .

9. What is the meaning of the vanish ?

Ans: Disappear suddenly .

10. What is the meaning of grace ?

Ans: Attractive qualities .

Type – Boby Bora

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