AJB Class 8 English Chapter 8 Song। MCQ Question Answer |

  Chapter 8  


1.What is the name of the poet  ?

A) James mill

B) John Keats

C) Ruskin bond

Ans: B) John Keats

2. When  was he born ?

A) 31 October 1795

B) 21 October 1793

C) none of these

Ans: A) 31 October 1795

3.Where was he born ?

A) London

B) France

C) California

Ans: A) London

4.He received a little formal ______ ?

A) Dance

B) song

C) Education

Ans: C) Education

5.He was the one of the most popular English  _______ lyrics poet .

A) Funniest

B) Serious

C) Romantic

Ans: C) Romantic

6. Name one of the popular poem of john Keats ?  

A) The Eve of St. Agnes

B) Ode to a Grecian Urn .

C) All of these

Ans: C) All of these

7. his poet is marked _____ imaginary .  

A) Vivid

B) vivo

C) None of these

Ans: A) Vivid

8.When  was he died ?

A) 23 February 1823

B) 23 February 1821

C) 23 February 1824

Ans: B) 23 February 1821

9.In which age has died ?

A) 23

B) 24

C) 26

Ans: C) 26

10.What is the reason of his dead ? 

A) Cancer

B) Tuberculosis

C) Appendix

Ans: B) Tuberculosis

Type – Boby Bora

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