NCERT Class 12 political Science Contemporary world politics chapter 1 Question Answer |: The End of Bipolarity

1. Which among the following statements that describe the nature

of Soviet economy is wrong?

a. Socialism was the dominant ideology

b. State ownership/control existed over the factors of production

c. People enjoyed economic freedom

d. Every aspect of the economy was planned and controlled by

the State


2. Arrange the following in chronological order:

a. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

b. Fall of the Berlin Wall

c. Disintegration of the Soviet Union

d. Russian Revolution


3. Which among the following is NOT an outcome of the disintegration

of the USSR?

a. End of the ideological war between the US and USSR

b. Birth of CIS

c. Change in the balance of power in the world order

d. Crises in the Middle East


4. Match the following:

i. Mikhail Gorbachev                 a. Successor of USSR

ii. Shock Therapy                       b. Military pact

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