SEBA Class 9 Computer Science Chapter 1 Basics of Computer System। Question Answer

Chapter 1

Basics of Computer System


1. Choose the correct option.

a: Which of the following is not an output device?

i. Speaker ii. Mouse iii. Printer iv. Monitor

b. Which one of the following is the “brain” of a computer ?

 i. CPU ii. ALU iii. CU  iv. MU

c. A collection of eight bits is called

i. Byte ii. Word iii. Record iv. Nibble

d. Second generation computers were manufactured using which technology?

i. Vacuum tubes ii. Transistors iii. ICs iv. None of these

e. Storage of 1KB means the following number of bytes

i. 1000 ii. 1024 iii. 1064 iv. 1012

f. Which of the following is not hardware?

i. Hard disk ii. Printer. iii. Assembler iv. CPU

g. Fourth generation computers used.

i. Vacuum tubes ii. Transistors iii. Microprocessors iv. ICs

h. Which one of the following is a special purpose application software?

i. Word-processing software ii. Operating system software iii. Compiler iv. Payroll system

i. The base of Octal Number System is

1. 2 ii. 10 iii. 16 iv. 8

j. Who is known as the father of the modern computer ?

i. Charles Babbage ii. Blaise Pascal iii. Herman Hollerith iv. John Atanasoff

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. The first generation computers used __________for storage.

b. The third generation computers replaced ________ with _______

c. __________are high speed temporary storage area.

d. __________ is the short form of binary digit

e. A group of four bits is called __________

 f.  _________holds data, programs and instructions for computer.

g. A microphone is ________ device.

h. A _________is set of instructions to perform a specific task.

i. _________ software are used to scan the computers for viruses. 

j. _________The decimal system is composed of digits.

k. _________was the first fully electronic general-purpose computer.

l. ___________ was one of the first commercially available computers. 

m. An -__________converts the program written in assembly language into machine language.  n. Processing takes place in the

o. The ALU performs the ________and ___________operations

p. RAM is _________

q. ROM stores basic _______instructions to operate the computer.

r. ___________memory is an electronic non-volatile storage medium that can be electrically

erased and reprogrammed

s. Data and instructions are given to the computer through its_________ device.

t. Raw data is processed by the computer to produce ________ .

u. Results are obtained from the computer through its __________ device.

v. 1 MB = ______ KB.

W.  __________ is an example of primary memory. x. The octal number system uses the digits from to

y. A computer system comprise of both _______ And  _______.

z. _________represents the set of programs that directs the computer how to work.

3. State true or false,

a. Another name for internal memory is primary memory.

 b. A hard disk can store less data than CD.

 c. Software represent to the physical components of a computer.

d. A projector is input device.

e. Interpreter is an utility software.

f. The first-generation computers used transistors.

g. Atanasoff Berry Computer was the first electronic digital computer.

h. IBM 604 is an example of second-generation computers.

 i UNIVAC I was one of the first commercially available computers.

j. ROM is volatile.

k A group of eight bits is called nibble.

L. Computer does not understand any language other than machine language.

m. Pen drives use flash memory to store data.

n. The monitor is a soft copy output device.

o. A compiler translates a program written in machine language into a program written high level language.

p. Bit is the smallest unit of data in a computer.

4. Short answer questions

a. Who is known as the ‘father of the modern computer’?

b. What is a computer?

c. Name a popular pointing device.

d. Who invented Jacquard’s loom?

e. Give the full form of ENIAC and EDVAC.

f. Give two examples of second-generation computers.

g. What is AI?

h. Give two examples of secondary memories.

i. What does the CPU do?

j. Why we use secondary memory?

k. Give two examples of pointing devices?

1. Which input device is used to record sound?

m. What is the use of barcode reader?

n. What is system software? Give two examples.

o. What is the role of CU?

p. What is the function of ALU?

q. What do you understand by memory word ? 

r. What is the function of compiler?

s. What is the main limitation of a computer?

t. Mention three main features of a computer.

u. What is a computer program?

v. What are the fundamental components of a computer system?

w. What is application software?

x. Mention various categories of application software.

y. What do you understand by computer memory?

z. What is the binary equivalent of hexadecimal 15?

5. Long answer questions

a. Mention four features of a computer system.

b. Mention the characteristic features of third-generation computers.

c. What do you understand by generation of computers ? Mention two disadvantages of

first-generation computers.

d. Describe the functioning of CPU.

e. Draw a block diagram of a computer system..

f. What are the categories of printers? Explain. 

g. What is a bus? Explain three types of buses.

h. What are functions of primary storage area?

i. Explain three types of ROM.

j. What is a purpose of a language processor? Explain the three language processors.

k. Differentiate between data and information.

1. Write short note on fifth-generation computers.

m. What are basic differences between the four generations of computers?

n. Write a short note on MARK I.

o. Explain the two main types of secondary memory.

p. Describe various types of magnetic media.

q. Mention some areas where computers are used widely.

r. What are the major operations performed by a computer?

s. Differentiate between the following pairs:

I. Input unit and Output unit


III. Soft copy and hard copy

IV. Primary memory and secondary memory

V. Impact-printer and non-impact printer

VI. Assembler and Compiler

VII. Hardware and software

VIII. System software and application software

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