SEBA Class 9 Computer Science Chapter 5 Ethics In It। Question Answer

Chapter 5

Ethics In It


1.Fill in the blanks:

1. Directly copying text, word for word is called ________ .

2. ________ refers to attempts to gain information from otherwise undisclosed areas.

3. ________refers to the unauthorized duplication of computer software.

2. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. C in ICT stands for _________

(a) Communication (b) Computer (c) Control (d) None of these

2. Making illegal copies of copyrighted software is called _______

(a) Software piracy (b) Browsing (c) Collaboration (d) Electronic distribution

3. Purchasing of only one licensed copy of a software and distributing/loading it onto multiple systems is called as _______

(a) Softlifting (b) Renting (c) Hard disk loading (d) Patent

3.Answer the following:

1. What are the main functions related to information? 

2. Define the term plagiarism.

3. What is software piracy? What are its common forms?

4. Write down the major issues of security and integrity of information.

5. Name three types of law that can help restrict software piracy.

6. An extended synonym for Information Technology is ICT. So, how

 7. IT security today has become a major point of concern. What comes under IT security?

8. Elaborate the term software ethics.

9. Explain the need of protecting intellectual property right.

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