NCERT class 10 Words and Expressions 2 chapter 1 Answer। A Letter to God। English Medium

Chapter 1

 Did you enjoy the story of ‘The Trader and the Tailor’? The story is summarised below. Read the story again The story is summarised below. Read the story again sentences with the given hints.

Once there was a tailor who was known for ______________ ____________________________(cheat and thievery). He could cheat anyone with his cunning way of deceiving people. A trader challenged that the tailor would not be able to cheat   

cheat anyone with his cunning way of deceiving people. A trader challenged that the tailor would not be able to cheat him. He____________ (go) to the tailor with____________________ _____________________________ (satin). The tailor _____________  _________________(welcome). The trader _____________________ (please) by the tailor’s praise. He told the tailor to make a coat for him. The tailor _________________(praise) the trader ______________ (maximum). The trader_________________(joy). The tailor _______________(recount) funny tales and the trader forgot____________________ (bet). The tailor started snipping _______________________and________________________________ hide). Eyes of the trader ____________________________________ (tears and joy) and yet the trader kept on asking for _________________(stories). At last, the tailor told the trader that _____________________________(tight) and _______________ _____________________ (weep-blood). 

1. In this story you have come across a word “light-fingered” which means inclined to steal things. Some such words are given below. Use appropriate words and fill in the blanks.

 light-headed, light year, light-hearted, light sleeper, light-duty

 (a) The______________________ is a unit of distance used to measure distance in space.

 (b) The farmer bought a______________________ truck to transport their produce, as it uses less diesel.

 (c) We had a fairly______________________discussion with our colleagues.

 (d) Rita felt dizzy and______________________after skydiving. (e) He is a____________________, a slightest noise wakes him.

1. You have come across Relative Clauses in the lesson ‘A Letter to God’. Read about the relative clauses again. Complete the sentences given below in the table by adding the most suitable clause from the box and make it a relative clause. The first one has been done for you.

 contains meaning of words                            need to fill in the application 

 stitches clothes                                                is a crook 

 tell lies                                                               help themselves

 won the best actor award this year                     won the nobel prize 

 hit a century is faithful                                             believe in hard work

 (a) A tailor is a person who stitches clothes.

 (b) A dictionary is a book________________________________ 

(c) The book is about a scientist ___________________________ 

(d) What is the name of the player _________________________

 (e) I don’t like people_____________________________________ 

(f) What is the name of the actor __________________________ ______________________________________________________ 

(g) Students _____________________________________________ should meet the principal in her office.

 (h) Friends of the trader thought the tailor ________________ and can cheat anyone. 

(i) Lencho_______________________ thought God would help him.

 (j) Those____________________________will succeed.

 (k) God helps those______________________________

 1. Suppose Lencho gets a hundred pesos in his envelope. He writes a letter to God expressing his gratitude. However, he has missed a word in each line. Help him with those words so that his letter is complete.

 Dear God!

 Thank for                                                                                                Thank you for 

 (a) sending a hundred pesos help. _______________ 

(b) I am very for this kind gesture. _______________

 (c) You were my only and your _______________ 

(d) help has my faith in you. _______________ 

(e) This money will help me until the crop _______________ 

(f) and I promise to hard in the future. _______________ Sincerely yours,

1. You may have come across some people in your neighbourhood who might have inspired you with their actions. Talk to them about— 

• their childhood, their education, job, their likes and dislikes 

• their contribution to the enrichment of their village or town, job, country, etc.

 • their interesting features and characteristics Request for their pictures. Based on the collected information, write their portraits and present it to the class. You may read on ‘How to do project work?’ given below.

How to do project work in the English language classroom?

 In addition to the textbook activities, project work could be used as an effective strategy to promote collaborative ways of language learning where we work together in groups to do an activity. We collect information, ideas; observe the language being used; use language in real life situations; exchange views and debate on ideas; write the ideas into a report; edit our writing and produce the report in a suitable form. This helps in constructing ideas and analysing critical judgments of the peers to arrive at a decision or conclusion.

 It would be of much benefit to learners, if projects planned are of an interdisciplinary nature.

 Designing and managing projects There are many ways students can be initiated to carry out projects.

 • Read books, newspapers, listen to the radio, watch TV, consult websites and encyclopedia, talk to people, observe events and proceedings, interview people, record audio/ video, collect pictures and illustrations, interpret them, and report. 

• Write field notes to remember and organise the data collected.

• Bring your own ideas to the class and have a class discussion. 

• Use language meaningfully and precisely. If the meaning of learning is ‘meaning making’, the purpose is achieved fully while doing projects.

 • Learners should do the projects in group independently. They should not ask their parents to do these or buy readymade products available in the market. 

• They may seek information or some help from parents or elders.

 Planning, writing the draft and editing Having collected the required data, information and ideas, plan and organise the data and interpret them to write the draft. It could be posters, a script of a play (enact and direct a play), songs, essays, etc. Editing is an important part of writing the report. Students should be made aware of process approach involved in writing a good piece of work. Then present it to the whole class or to the school during the assembly or on special occasions (in case of play, songs, etc.).

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