NCERT class 10 (Words and Expressions 2) chapter 2 Answer। Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom। English Medium

Chapter 2

 1. You have read the story about Nelson Mandela in your textbook, First Flight, and the struggle of the people of South Africa. Mandela draws our attention to the meaning and importance of freedom and leading a life with freedom. He states that freedom comes with responsibilities. Discuss with your peers, how freedom and responsibilities go hand in hand. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

Complete the sentences given below by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase.

 Q.1. The occasion of the speech of Sardar Patel here is ____________________________________________________.

 (a) an address to a public gathering

 (b) a convocation address at a university 

(c) a speech in Indian Parliament

 (d) a speech delivered to civil servants 

Q.2. Patel feels that future generations will heap curses on us if____________________________________________. 

(a) we fail to protect our freedom

 (b) we fail to protect the corrupt people in public life

 (c) we wage war against other nations

 (d) we understand the need for peace

 Q.3. The first and foremost thing Patel stressed to be done is_____________________________________________. 

(a) to make the country strong and united 

(b) to give employment to everyone 

(c) to fight a war against those who oppressed us

 (d) to make every citizen feel happy

Q.4. One major characteristic of university education, as Sardar Patel believes, is_________________.

 (a) character

 (b) duty 

(c) knowledge

(d) power

 Q.5. What did Patel not mean when he said, “You have to realise that India has to attain its rightful place in the comity of nations”? Tick the right answer.

 (a) Friendly and cordial relationship with other nations

 (b) Group of nations which wage war against other

 (c) Community of people

 (d) Nations from a continent

 Q.6. ‘India abounds in the resources of nature and manpower’ means_________________________________.

 (a) India has a vibrant economy

 (b) India’s natural resources and population are a great resource

 (c) India’s lack of manpower 

(d) Indians are great resource for development

 Q.7. What is the greatest danger for India as Patel believes in his speech?

 (a) India has a vibrant economy. 

(b) India’s natural resources and population are a great resource.

 (c) India’s lack of manpower.

(d) Indians are great resource for development.

Q.8. Complete the following statement based on your understanding of Patel’s speech. 

The first and foremost duty of the young nation is _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

1. Use the following words and phrases in your own sentences.

 (a) Precincts______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

 (b) Comity of nations_____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 

(c) Unassailable__________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

 (d) Mutual cooperation___________________________________ ________________________________________________

2. Sardar Patel called upon young students to understand the meaning of freedom and ways to sustain it. Here are two key words which he stressed upon—‘Freedom’ and ‘Responsibility’. Working in pairs, find words and phrases which convey the feeling of these words and write below.

1. You have come across the use of articles ‘a’, ‘an’, and ‘the’ in the lesson. The tasks in the textbook give you the idea that the use of ‘the’ with proper noun carries a special meaning. Read the following paragraph from the speech you have read above. The articles are missing in the paragraph. With the help of your partner, fill in the blanks.

 ________weapons of________world war were: violence, brute force, political and military moves, and counter moves.

 As________ result of________churning of the ocean, ________ world has emitted poison. That poison is spreading all overand there is none to swallow it.________countries which were free have managed to digest it somewhat, but we, who have just attained our freedom, it is hard to do_____________ same. Therefore, those who think that having attained freedom they have attained everything, have really attained nothing!____________ freedom that we have won is yet to be consolidated.

2. Which article most frequently occurs in the passage? Why is it so? Can you replace it with some other article? Why/Why not? Discuss with your peers and make notes. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.

 (a) ______boy and______girl were shopping in a market. ______boy was from Kerala and______girl was from Nagaland.

 (b) Can you turn off ______light?

 (c) He has taken______taxi to______station. 

(d) Is there______police station nearby?

 (e) My sister works in______bank.

 (f) He has been looking for______ job for the last seven years.

 (g) Would you like to eat______apple? (h) He goes to the theatre once______month

(i) This morning I bought______newspaper and______ magazine. ______newspaper is on my table and I forgot where I have placed______magazine. 

(j) We would like to have dinner at______good restaurant. 

1. The following passage has an error in each line. Find the error and write the correct word or words against the line.

 I don’t mean that some peoples are born clear headed _________

 and is therefore natural writers, whereas others _________

 are naturally fuzzy and will never wrote well. _________ 

Thinking clearly was a conscious act that writers _________

 must forced on themselves, as if they were working _________

 on any other project that requires logic: makes _________ 

shopping list or doing an algebra problems. _________ 

Good writing do not come naturally, _________ 

though most people seems to think it does. _________ 

Professional writer are constantly bearded by _________

 people who say they’d like to “trying a little _________

 writing sometime”—meaned when they _________ 

retire from their real profession. _________ 

1. Your teacher or any one student will read out the text given below to the whole class. Listen carefully. Working in groups of four, note down in short the important points as you listen. Discuss in your group. Recreate and write the text you have listened to. You need not write the exact text, but the meaning should be nearest to the actual text read out to you. Your teacher will read out the text again for all the 

1. You have read the speeches of Nelson Mandela and Sardar Patel. You know their beliefs and ideas on freedom and responsibilities for a new born nation. Discuss with your partner and put down your ideas on what freedom means to you. Prepare an outline. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

2. Prepare a speech for the morning assembly reflecting on the following questions.

 (a) How do you feel today about the country’s freedom?

 (b) Are we free and independent? 

(c) Are we serious about our responsibilities as citizens?

1. Make pairs. One of you takes the role of Nelson Mandela and the other becomes the interviewer.

 (a) The interviewer prepares a questionnaire on Nelson Mandela—Mandela as a person and his contributions to the removal of Apartheid.

 (b) The interviewee responds to them. The interviewer’s task is to note down the answers also.

 (c) The interviewer, through the questions, tries to get an overview of Mandela’s life.

1. You have learnt about the freedom struggles of many nations after the Second World War and how many leaders spearheaded freedom movements in their countries. Based on the learning from history and political science, write about any two leaders from different nations. The following are prompts that can help you:

 (a) Their thoughts

 (b) Their uniqueness

 (c) Honesty and integrity

 (d) Confidence and leadership qualities 

(e) Inspirational speeches

 (f) Contributions to free their countries (Hints: You may develop their profiles in chronological order. You may visit the library. Consult social science teachers in your school and elders in your neighbourhood.)

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