NCERT Class 11 Home Science Chapter 11 Answer | Care and Maintenance of Fabrics

Chapter 11

Care and Maintenance of Fabrics

� Review Questions

1. What are the different aspects of care and maintenance of fabrics?


2. Define the term ‘stain’. What are the different types of stains and what techniques can be used for removing them?


3. Write the steps in removing unknown stains from fabrics.


4. What is dirt? How do water, soaps and detergents combine to remove dirt from fabrics?


5. How does finishing after washing improve the brightness and textural characteristics of fabrics?


6. What is dry-cleaning? What are the types of fabrics where dry-cleaning is recommended?

Practical 17

Care and Maintenance of Fabrics

Theme: Colour fastness of fabrics

Task: Analysis of colour fastness to washing

Conduct of the practical: This type of knowledge will help the consumer make a wise choice for the care to be taken while washing coloured fabrics. Conduct of the practical

• Take four samples each of coloured fabric and white cotton fabric measuring 2” x 4”.

• Join coloured samples with white samples to produce (4” X 4”) four samples (ABCD)

• Keep (A) as control sample and treat the samples B C D with already prepared 0.5% soap solution in warm water (40o C), rub gently.

• After five minutes rinse and dry

• Repeat the process for samples C and D. Wash, rinse and dry.

• Repeat the process with sample D and record the observation.

� Practical 18

Care and Maintenance of Fabrics

Theme: Study of labels on fabrics and apparel

Task: Analyse the information given on the fabric and apparel labels

Purpose of the practical: The appearance, care, and servicability of garments and other products made of fabrics is a concern for consumers. This information is provided to consumers through labels or hand-tags. The fabric or yardage material has information stamped on one end or on selvage at regular intervals. These labels aid the consumer in identifying their products’ properties and in caring for them in an appropriate manner so as to retain their claimed characteristics for a reasonable period of time.

Conduct of the practical: Collect five samples each of labels of readymade garment and ‘stampings’ on yardage.

• Analyse garment labels with respect to clarity, fibre content, size and care instructions regarding washing, ironing, storage, etc.

• Analyse stampings with respect to fibre content, yarn and fabric description, and finishes applied.

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