SEBA Class 10 English Chapter 2 Nelson Mandela : Long walk To freedom  । Question Paper 2010 – 2020

Chapter 2

Nelson Mandela : Long walk To freedom 

A. Very Short Type Questions : Marks: 1

1. State whether the following are true or false:

(i) Nelson Mandela spent twenty years in prison. [HSLC ’15]

(ii) On the day of the inauguration, two na- tional anthems were sung. [HSLC ’16]

(iii) On the day of inauguration Mandela was accompanied by his daughter Zenani.[HSLC ’16].

(iv) Thabo Mbeki was sworn in as the second deputy president. [HSLC ’16]

(v) The policy of apartheid created lasting peace in Mandela’s Country. [HSLC ’17]

(vi) On the day of inauguration Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of history. [HSLC ’17]

2. (a) Choose the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence from among the alternatives given in the brackets: [HSLC ’19]

I saw that it was not just my freedom that was curtailed, but the freedom of everyone… (enhanced/reduced/withheld)

(b)State whether the following statements are True or False (Reference: Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom) [HSLC ’19]

(i) On the podium, Mr. de Klerk was first sworn in as first Deputy President.

(ii) Then Thabo Mbeki was sworn in as second Deputy President.

(C)Choose the correct answer from among I the alternatives given and complete the sentence: [HSLC ’19] | In life, every man has ___

(i) three obligations

(ii) twin obligations

(iii) many obligations

(d) Choose the meaning of the underlined! word in the following sentence from! among the alternatives given in the brackets: All of us will spend many years, if not generations, recovering from that pro-found hurt. (light and vain/ abnormal/ deep and strong).[HSLC ’20]

(e) State whether the following statements are True or False: [HSLC ’20]

(Reference: Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)

(i) On the day of inauguration, Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of free- dom.

(ii) On the day of inauguration, Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of his-tory.

(f) Choose the correct answer from among the alternatives given and complete the Mandela’s country is rich___________ sentence given below: [HSLC ’20]

(i) in forests and lakes

(ii) in minerals and gems

(iii) in agriculture

B. Short Type Questions :Marks: 2/3

1. What did courage mean to Mandela? [HSLC ’15, 17]

2. According to Mandela, between love and hate which comes more naturally to human heart? [HSLC ’16]

3. What missions would Mandela like to achieve for the future of South Africa and her people on securing the political emancipation? [HSLC ’18]

4. “The oppressed and the oppressor alike are robbed of their humanity.” What makes Mandela say this? [HSLC ’18]

5. Read the following extract carefully and an- swer the questions that follow: [HSLC ’17]

In life every man has twin obligations-obli- | gation to his family, to his parents, to his wife and children; and he has an obligation to his people, his community, his country. In a civil and human society, each man is able to fulfil those obligations according to his own incli- nations and abilities. But in a country like South Africa, it was almost impossible for a man of my birth and colour to fulfil those | obligations. In South Africa, a man of colour | who attempted to live as a human being was punished and isolated. In South Africa, a man who tried to fulfil his duty to his people was inevitably ripped from his family and his home and was forced to live a life apart, a twilight existence of secrecy and rebellion. I did not in the beginning choose to place my people above my family, but in attemptting to serve my people, I found that I was pre- vented from fulfilling my obligations as a son, a brother, a father and a husband.

(i) What was done to a man of colour in South | Africa who attempted to live as a human | being?

(ii) What are the twin obligations that every man has in life?

(iii) What did the speaker find when he attempted to serve his people?

6. What did Mandela Say about the wealth of his country? [HSLC ’19]

7. When did Mandela begin to hunger for freedom? [HSLC ’20]

Type – Boby Bora

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