NCERT Class 11 Fundamentals of Physical Geography Chapter 1 “Geography as a Discipline” Solution |

Geography as a Discipline


1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Which one of the following scholars coined the term ‘Geography’?

(a) Herodotus (c) Galileo

(b) Erathosthenese (d) Aristotle


(ii) Which one of the following features can be termed as ‘physical feature’?

(a) Port (c) Plain

(b) Road (d) Water park


(iii) Make correct pairs from the following two columns and mark the correct option.

1. Meteorology A. Population Geography

2. Demography B. Soil Geography

3. Sociology C. Climatology

4. Pedology D. Social Geography

(a) 1B,2C,3A,4D (c) 1D,2B,3C,4A

(b) 1A,2D,3B,4C (d) 1C,2A,3D,4B

(iv) Which one of the following questions is related to cause-effect relationship?

(a) Why (c) What

(b) Where (d) When


(v) Which one of the following disciplines attempts temporal synthesis?

(a) Sociology (c) Anthropology

(b) Geography (d) History


2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

(i) What important cultural features do you observe while going to school? Are they similar or dissimilar? Should they be included in the study of geography or not? If yes, why?


(ii) You have seen a tennis ball, a cricket ball, an orange and a pumpkin. Which one amongst these resembles the shape of the earth? Why have you chosen this particular item to describe the shape of the earth?


(iii) Do you celebrate Van Mahotsava in your school? Why do we plant so many trees? How do the trees maintain ecological balance?


(iv) You have seen elephants, deer, earthworms, trees and grasses. Where do they live or grow? What is the name given to this sphere? Can you describe some of the important features of this sphere?


(v) How much time do you take to reach your school from your house? Had the school been located across the road from your house, how much time would you have taken to reach school? What is the effect of the distance between your residence and the school on the time taken in commuting? Can you convert time into space and vice versa?


3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.

(i) You observe every day in your surroundings that there is variation in natural as well as cultural phenomena. All the trees are not of the same variety. All the birds and animals you see, are different. All these different elements are found on the earth. Can you now argue that geography is the study of “areal differentiation”?


(ii) You have already studied geography, history, civics and economics as parts of social studies. Attempt an integration of these disciplines highlighting their interface.


Project Work

Select forest as a natural resource.

(i) Prepare a map of India showing the distribution of different types of forests.

(ii) Write about the economic importance of forests for the country.

(iii) Prepare a historical account of conservation of forests in India with focus on Chipko movements in Rajasthan and Uttaranchal.

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