Keheraj/ Kanheraj/ Alanchi, English Name: Ink Weed, Scientific Name: Eclipta prostrata / Eclipta alba

Nature: Kehraj is a juicy small-sized wild plant. It is a forest that is made of mud, dark-colored when twisted, made of ink from juices. Its flowers are spit and white in colour and the seeds are stacked. Adult shoots fly in the air and breed. Kehraj’s trees are soft. It is usually found in vegetables and flowers. The upper back of the Keheraj leaf is fine and the bottom knot is rough.

Quality: Cutting the leaves makes the hair fall on the head and darkening of the hair. The juice of Kehraj vegetables is powerful. The baby’s watery fever is cured by feeding kehraj juice along with the beejol. In the same way, if there is a wound on the face, it is better to drink its juice. Apart from this, if the water drinks in the gap between the fingers of the feet and hands, then it is better to drink the water if the juice of Keheraj is applied in those places. Keheraj Supathya in constipation. Kehraj has immunity to jaundice. Adding kehraj to the medicine to make the sajpani makes it sweet to eat.

Cuisine: Wild vegetable plants that can be used as a vegetable. It can be mixed with 101 vegetables and cooked.

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