Symptoms of indigestion:

Hunger is low or sometimes it doesn’t happen at all. The stomach seems to be swollen, bulging. Rot rot comes in. Air accumulates in the stomach. Burns the inside of the chest and neck. Stomach hurts or bites. A foul-smelling breath, it smells bad when you talk. Sour water will come out of the mouth infryday.


Liver Stomoth Gel Mer

Reason for indigestion:

Eating food fried in too much oil or ghee, eating too much food unnecessarily unnecessarily, not chewing food items properly, eating too much bidi-cigarette-wine etc., eating too much physical or mental exertion or not working at all, living in an unhealthy environment, always sour or pickles, sleep loss, use of various types of medicines, liver, kidneys, heart, etc.


If the disease persists for a long time or there is a lack of proper treatment, the patient becomes dry and weak, there may be lesions in the esophagus, even the liver glands.

May be affected.

Pathya, Unspeakable, etc.:

It is better to fast a day if there is indigestion. Eat a soft, juicy and boiled diet. Boiled food is easily digested. Do not eat fish and meat, eggs, fried foods, ma-masala etc. Foods with fibre such as peas, urad,

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