Ujjai pranayama | Yoga |

Ujjai pranayama

How to do it – sit in the smokeless place in the smoke first. Sweet with your eyes and mouth. When you breathe, you have to pronounce the word Omka around your neck. As long as you breathe, make a sound and the sound will come out of the nose. Then stop breathing. The spit will come down to the voice comb, ie the closure of the nets. Stay in Kumbok as long as you can. That means holding the breath inside. Then, when you can’t hold it anymore, slowly lift your head and close your right nose and breathe out through the left nose.

Remember, you cannot breathe when you raise your head. Practice of this pranayama like sun pranayama increases the body’s heat. Therefore, it is better to do this pranayama in winter. Watery coughs, throids, thyroids, tonsils, asthmaes, mangoes, decays, indigestion, indifference, nose sounds, etc. are cured. The voice is healthy and sweet.

Language : English

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