Renaissance (Renaissance)

The most important symbol in change from the Middle Ages to the modern era was a famous intellectual movement known as the Renaissance. The Renaissance was the revival of the best education. Such awakening began in the 13th century when the gracing and neglected Gracco-Roman past culture began to be obliged and neglected by European scholars. In 1453 AD, after the Autumn Turks captured Constantinople, the active cooperation of the Greek scholars and wise people in Italy increased his passion for great literature. The study of the Greeks revealed a new culture and a new world of taxes. The birth of this new education awakened the knowledge of man, generous and helped them live with a broad and free mind. It refers to the modern stimulus of humans and a strong minds of humans replacing the ideals of medieval self-resolution. Therefore, the renaissance is determined as the discovery of man and the world (Discovery of the world and of man). The main characteristics of the Renaissance era were that man was attracted to beauty and the root of great literature and this aspect of the Renaissance is known as humanism. These humanitarian men were the greatest or famous scholars. In the Middle Ages, they enjoyed the study of human interest as opposed to divineism and theology, an important part of human education. Petrarch was the father of humanity and he became a worshiper of everyone. He ended the medieval ideas and devoted himself to the happiness of human life. Irashmas was probably the inhabitant of Rotterdam. He studied in Paris and Oford respectively and traveled to Germany and Italy respectively. Thus he became a famous scholar in Europe. His famous book ‘Praise of Folly’ that he had tremendously hurting medieval ideas and established the ideal of humanity in the ideal of humanity. Education and culture were freed from the clutches of the priests and the ability to judge people’s faults and the development of a broad and wise approach. In the Middle Ages, black, science and literature were inspired by the Christian events. On the other hand, the revival of the Renaissance was universal or neutral and from time to time it was a rebellion of the gods and goddesses against the dominance of the Yajkiyas on literature. Thus it created the concept of individualism and paved the way for change. The resurrection of past education improved art, architectural, sculptures, music, paintings, and other activities. Vijay, who performed Leonardo da Vip, Michael Angelo, Buffalo and Titan, enhanced reputation in the birthplace of painting in the birthplace of painting. Middle Ages were inevitably Christian but the art of the renaissance was the pure form of Christian art.

The 16th century is considered to be the primary level of modern concepts of science on nature and experimentation. Copernicus (1473-1553), a resident of Poland, rejected the theory offered by Tolemy as the center of the Solar System (1473-1553) and proved that the Earth revolved around the Sun. Kepler took the formula for Copernicus and popularized the inventor of the telescope or telescope. The development of astrology was based on the observation of natural phenomena. The first famous guide of this method was Francis Bacon. The development of a scientific approach encouraged the development of science and this led to the birth of modern science.

One of the most important characteristics of change from the Middle Ages to the modern era was the development of literature in the indigenous languages. Latin was the main language of the educated society of Europe in the Middle Ages. However, this language is incomprehensible to the general public of European countries. However, the progress and interest in people’s various aspects naturally paved the way for the desired results to gain the desired consequences to take a simple and popular language as a means of expression. This led to the birth of literature of national languages ​​in different states of Europe. Italy gained excellence in this regard. Prose and verse composed by breaking, Peter and Bachio have gained immorality in Italy. Similarly, the contributor to the poet Chauchar in England was noteworthy. In Germany, Martin Luther traveled from Latin to Germany to popularize his views and the Bible translation of the Bible into German language is the first very popular monument in modern literature. In Spain, Carventis wrote his Amar Don Quixote and Rabelias fertilized the local French language. Thus, Latin was dismissed from all over Europe and replaced by English, French, Germany and Spanish. During the renaissance, human civilization lost medieval character and took modern characters.

Language -(English)

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