Class 12 English Chapter 7 Short Question Answer | Class 12 English Chapter 7 Short Answer | KEEPING QUIET Short Answer |

1.Who is the poet of “Keeping Quiet”?

Ans: Pablo Neruda.

2.What is the real name of Pablo Neruda?

Ans: Neftali ricardo Reyes Basoaito.

3. What is meant by ‘green wars’?

Ans: It is the waging a war against nature by causing environmental degradation.

4.Who is the poet of the quoted lines?

Ans: The poet of the quoted lines is Pablo Neruda.

5.What can the earth teach us?

Ans: The Earth can teach us that she can sustain life when everything else appears to be dead.

6.What would be the ‘exotic moment’?

Ans: The moment during Which we keep quiet and stop our activities would be our exotic moment.

7.Do You think the poet advocate total inactivity and death?

Ans: No, the poet does not advocate total inactivity and death. In contrast, the poet suggests only to stop our daily rush and busy activity for few seconds so that we can make our mind fresh and energetic to lead a better life without any kind of violence.

8.What does thje poct want?

Ans: The poet wants us to find a moment for introspection.

9. What will keeping quiet help us achieve?

Ans: Counting up to twelve and keeping quiet will provide us an opportunity to introspect about ourselves and help us experience the bliss of an exotic moment.

10.What does the poet mean by ‘not speak in any language and ‘move our arms so much’?

Ans: By the phrase ‘not speak in any language’ the poet wants to mean compkete silence and ‘by not move our arms so much’ the poet wants to mean that we should stop our activities while Keeping quiet.

11.What, according to him, does inactivity amount to?

Ans: According to the poet, inactivity amounts to death.

12.Why does the poet count up to twelve?

Ans: The poet counts up to twelve so that during the time of counting, the whole mankind would keep quiet and experience an exotic moment. It would help us Know ourselves.

13.What is the ‘sadness’ that the poet refers to in the poem?

Ans: The ‘sadness’ that the poet refers to in the poem is due to our failure to know ourselves. In our daily life we are so busy that turn us blind to our inner activities. So to know ourselves we must introspect in complete silence.

14.What, according to him, does inactivity amount to ?

Ans: The poet thinks of life connected with activity.

15.What will counting up to twelve and keeping still help us achieve?


Why does the poet Neruda wish to count to twelve?

Ans: As the poet wishes, the act of counting up to twelve and keeping still would help us achieve newer strength an mental energy to begin our activies anew. Moreover it would help us think how to make the earth safe from violence and destruction.

16. What is considered to be ‘an exotic moment’ in ‘keeping Quiet’?

Ans: When the whole mankind keeps quiet, it would be an exotic moment on the earth. There would be on rush and noise. The bliss of an extraordinary calmness would prevail on mankind.

Type By: Sumon bora

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