Class 12 English Chapter 10 Short Question Answer | Class 12 English Chapter 10 Short Answer | SUPLENTARY READER (VISTAS) THE TIGER KING Short Answer |

1.What is the natural desire among men regarding the Tiger King?

Ans: The natural desire among men is to meet the Tiger King.

2.Who is the Tiger King?

Ans: The Maharaja of pratibarndapuram, Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur is called ‘the Tiger King.

3. What will now happen to the astrologer? Do you think the prophecy was indisputadly disproved?

Ans: The king was destined to be killed by a tiger. Hence in spite of his mission of killing hundred tigers, he was not able to fulfill his mission. The hundredth tiger survived to be killed by a hunter not by the king. Hence this prophecy came true.

4.What was the price of the wooden toy tiger?

Ans: The price of the wooden toy tiger was only two annas and a quarter.

5.What are the indications for the future of humankind?

Ans: The rapid growth of human population and limited resources exerts pressure on land. Day by day the natural balance among things have been breaking up. Ice caps are melting, ozone strata is depleting, fossil fuels have causing global temperature. All these indicate a dread menace to the future of mankind.

6. What did the astrologer predict about the Tiger King?

Ans: The astrologer predicted that the ‘Tiger King’ would be killed by a tiger as he was born in the hour of the Bull and the Tigers are enemies. The prediction came true.

7.Who was the Tiger King? Why does he get that name?

Ans: The Maharaja of Pratibandarpuram, Jung Bahadur is known as the Tiger King.

He got the name ‘Tiger King’ because the astrologer predicted that his king’s death would come from a tiger.

8. What are Geoff Green’s reasons for including high school students on Ice Expedition?

Ans: Geoff had some solid reasons why he included the high school students in his mission. He relized that our elder people could do nothing to our world. But the students of the high school are future of the world. Their proper knowledge of the world will help them to take positive steps towards the safety of the degrading environment, Going to the end of the earth, they can understand, learn and realise the denger of the global waring, ozone layer’s degradation and biodiversty problems.

He expects, such expedition will increase the awareness about the environment of the world. They can realise the real danger seeing the icecaps melting and collapsing due to global warming.

9. What will the Maharaja do to find the required number of tigers to kill?

Ans: After killing about seventy tigers, the tiger population in the state became extinct. Then he wanted to marry a prince from a state with tiger population. The dewan (minister) found a girl and in this way the king was able to kill required number of tigers.

10.What did the Dewan do about procuring a tiger on pain of losing his job?

Ans: The Dewan for fear of losing his job, brought a tiger from people’s park in Madras and set the tiger free in the forest where the Tiger King used to hunting. When the King saw the tiger, procured secretly by the Dewns he shot it but unfortunately the tiger did no die. Later on it was killed by another hunter.

11. How will the Maharaja pepare himsclf for the hundredth tiger which was supposed to decide his fate?

Ans: The king found it difficult to have hundred tigers killed. Then the dewan, realizing the seriousness of the situation, bought a tiger from pepole’s park in Madras. The tiger was left in the forest where the king was hunting. The king took careful aim and shot it, but his aim missed the target.

12.How did the Tiger King celebrate the killing of the hundredth tiger?

Ans: As the king did not find his hundredth tiger, the dewns brought a tiger from the public park in Madras and set it free in the forest where the king was waitnig for a tiger to shoot. When he saw the tiger set free by the dewans, he aimed at the tiger and shot it. But unfotunately the tiger did not die. Another hunter killed it to hide up the fact.

13.What did the royal infant grow up to be?

Ans: With the passing of time, the rolyal infant grew taller and stronger. He drank the milk of an English cow and was tutored by an Englishman. At the age of twenty, he became the king of the state. and then began to hunt lfis enemies- the tiger.

14.What did the royal infant grow up to be?

Ans: With the passing of time, the royal infant grew taller and stronger. He drank the milk of an English cow and was tutored by an Englishman. At the age of twenty, he became the king of the state, and then began to hunt lfis enemies– the tiger.

15. The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica. How is the study of the region useful to us?

Ans: Geological phenomena help us know about the history of human kind. About six hundred and fifty million years ago a giant southern super continent did exist. The climate was much warmer. It had a huge variety of flora and fauna. It thrived for 500 million years. ?Finally it broke into countries as they exist today.

The rapid growth of human population and limited resources exerts pressure on land. Day by day the natural balance among things have been breaking up. lce caps are melting, ozone strata is depleting, fossil fuels have causing global temperature. All these indicate a dread menace to the future of mankind.

Thus the study of Antarctica may help under stand all these things. So the Study of Antarctica is useful to us.

16. What is the author’s indirect comment on subjecting innocent animals to the willfullness of human beings?

Ans: The author has not made direct comment on the indiscriminate killing of tigers. But he shows great sympathy towards such beautiful animals.

The Tiger King killed almost all the tigers found in his state. Consequently the tiger population in the state got extinct. Then he married a girl from such a stste which had a large population of tigers. In each visit to his father-in-law’s house, he used to killed 6or 7 tigers. Thus he managed to kill the ninty-nine tigers. But the hundreth tiger eluded the king and eventually he was killed by a wooden tiger. The writer also mentioned the cruelty of the British officials who killed sukilled such a beautiful animal only for pleasure. very little in Antarctica. It is because it is the only place on the Earth which has never sustained a human population and thereof has remained relatively prestine in this respect.

Type By: Suman Bora

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