The Bond of Love  | Chapter 9 | Class 9 English Lesson 9 Question and Answer | SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 9 Solution | Assamese Medium Class 9 English Chapter 9 Notes And Suggestion |

The Bond of Love  

1. Think about the text
I. Given in the Box are some headings. Find the relevant paragraphs in the text to match the headings.
An Orphaned Cub; Bruno’s Food-Chart; An Accidental Case of Poisoning; Playful Baba; Pain of Separation; joy of Reunion; A Request to the Zoo; An Island in the Courtyard

II. Answer the following questions.
1. ” I got him for her by accident “
I) Who says this ?
ii) who do ‘him’ and ‘her’ refer to ?
iii) what is the incident referred to hear ?

2. He stood on his head in delight.
i) who does ‘he’ refer to ?
ii) Why was he delighted ?

3. “We all missed him greatly: but in a sense we were relieved.”
(i) Who does “we all” stand for ?
(ii) Who did they miss ?

(iii) Why did day nevertheless feel relieved?

III) Answer the fallowing questions in 30 to 40 wards each .

1. One two occasions Bruno ate / drank something that should not be eaten / drunk . What happened to him on these occasions?


2. Was Bruno a loving and playful pet ? Why, then, did he have to be sent away ?


3. How was the problem of what to do with Bruno finally solved ?


Thinking about the language
1. Find these words in the lesson. They all have ie  or  ei  in them.

Field, Ingredients , Height , mischievous, Friends, Eighty seven, Relieved, Piece

2. Now here are some more words complete them with ie or ei , consult a dictionary if necessary .

Believe,  Recieve, Weird, Leisur, Seize, Weigh, Reign , Teign, Grief , Pierce

3. Here are some wards with silent letters. Learn their spelling . Your teacher will dictate these words to you . Write them down and underline the silent letters.

Knock, Wrestle, Walk , Wrong, Knee, Half, Honest, Daughter, Hours, Return, Harnet, Calm, Cauld, Sign, Island, Button

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