Kathmandu | Chapter 10 | Class 9 English Lesson 10 Question and Answer Assam | SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 10 Solution | Assamese Medium Class IX English Lesson 10 Notes and Suggestion |


1. Answer these questions in one or two words or in short phrases.

1) Name the two temples the author visited in Kathmandu. 


2) The writer says, “All this I wash down with coca cola.” What does “all this” refer to?


3) What does Vikram seth compare to the quills of a porcupine?


4) Name five kinds of flutes.


II. Answer each question in a short paragraph.

1. What difference does the author note between the flute seller and the other hawkers?


2. What is the belief at Pasnupatinath about the end of Kaliyag?


3. The author has drawn awerful images images and pictures-Pick out three examples each of

(i) The atmosphere of ‘febrile confusion’ outside the temple of Pashupatinath (for example: some people trying to get priest’s attention are elbowed aside…)

(ii). the thing he sees

(iii). The sounds he hears

III. Answer the following questions in not more than 100-150 words each:

1. Compare and contrast the atmosphere in the around the Baudhanath shrine with the Phashupati Temple?


2. How does the author describe Kathmandu’s busiest street’s?


3. To hear any flute is to be drown into the commonality of all mankind, “Why does the author say this?


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