NCERT Class 11 Physics Part-II Solutions | Content | English Medium




Chapter 1 

Units and Measurements 

Chapter 2 

Motion in a Straight Line 

Chapter 3 

Motion in a Plane  

Chapter 4 

Laws of Motion  

Chapter 5 

Work, Energy and Power

Chapter 6 

System of Particles and Rotational Motion 

Chapter 7 



Chapter 8 

Mechanical Properties of Solids 

8.1 Introduction 

8.2 Stress and strain 

8.3 Hooke’s law 

8.4 Stress-strain curve 1

8.5 Elastic moduli 

8.6 Applications of elastic behaviour of materials

Chapter 9 

Mechanical Properties of Fluids 

9.1 Introduction 

9.2 Pressure 

9.3 Streamline flow 

9.4 Bernoulli’s principle 

9.5 Viscosity 

9.6 Surface tension

Chapter 10 

Thermal Properties of Matter 

10.1 Introduction 

10.2 Temperature and heat 

10.3 Measurement of temperature

10.4 Ideal-gas equation and absolute temperature 

10.5 Thermal expansion 

10.6 Specific heat capacity 

10.7 Calorimetry 

10.8 Change of state 

10.9 Heat transfer 

10.10 Newton’s law of cooling

Chapter 11 


11.1 Introduction 

11.2 Thermal equilibrium 

11.3 Zeroth law of thermodynamics 

11.4 Heat, internal energy and work 

11.5 First law of thermodynamics 

11.6 Specific heat capacity

11.7 Thermodynamic state variables and equation of state 

11.8 Thermodynamic processes 

11.9 Second law of thermodynamics 

11.10 Reversible and irreversible processes 

11.11 Carnot engine

Chapter 12 

Kinetic Theory 

12.1 Introduction 

12.2 Molecular nature of matter 

12.3 Behaviour of gases 

12.4 Kinetic theory of an ideal gas 

12.5 Law of equipartition of energy 

12.6 Specific heat capacity 

12.7 Mean free path 

Chapter 13 


13.1 Introduction 

13.2 Periodic and oscilatory motions 

13.3 Simple harmonic motion 

13.4 Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion 

13.5 Velocity and acceleration in simple harmonic motion 

13.6 Force law for simple harmonic motion 

13.7 Energy in simple harmonic motion

13.8 The Simple Pendulum 

Chapter 14 


14.1 Introduction 

14.2 Transverse and longitudinal waves 

14.3 Displacement relation in a progressive wave 

14.4 The speed of a travelling wave

14.5 The principle of superposition of waves 

14.6 Reflection of waves

14.7 Beat

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