NCERT Class 5 Environmental Studies (Looking Around) Chapter 2 Answer | A Snake Charmer’s Story


Have you ever seen animals being used for entertainment of people? (For example, in a circus, on the road, or in a park)

When and where did you see this?

Which animal show did you see?

How did people behave with the animals in the show?

Was anyone teasing the animals? How?

What kind of questions came to your mind after seeing that animal show?

Imagine that you are an animal in a cage. Think how you would feel. Complete the following sentences :

I am afraid when

I wish I

I am sad when

If I had a chance I would

I do not like it at all when


Like snake-charmers, which other people depend on animals for their livelihood?

Survey –People who keep animals

Talk to some people in your neighbourhood who keep one or more animals for their livelihood–for example, a horse for a tonga, hens for eggs, etc.

Name the animal they keep?

How many animals are there?

Is there a separate place for the animals?

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