NCERT Class 5 Environmental Studies (Looking Around) Chapter 4 Answer | Mangoes Round the Year


How did Aman know that the potato sabzi had got spoilt?

Have you ever seen some food that has got spoilt? How did you know that it was spoiled?

Preeti told Nitu not to eat the potato sabzi. What would have happened if she had eaten it?


Look in your kitchen and write down names of food items that

can get spoilt in 2-3 days

can be kept for a week

would not spoil till one month

Look at your friend’s list and discuss in the class

Will your list be the same in all seasons? What would change?

When food gets spoilt in your house, what do you do with it?

Biji returned the bread

Aman’s Biji went to the market to buy bread. The shop was very crowded. The shopkeeper picked up a packet of bread and gave it to Biji. She looked at it and returned it immediately.

Look at the picture of the bread packet here and guess why Biji returned it?

How did she find that the bread had got spoilt?

Find out

Look carefully at two-three packets of food items:

What can we know from what is written on the packet?

When you buy anything from the market, what do you look for on the packet?


Why was sugar and jaggery mixed into the mango pulp and dried in the sun?

Why did Appa first choose the most ripe mangoes to be used for making the mamidi tandra?

How did the brothers make the mamidi tandra? Write down step-by-step what they did for this.

What things are made in your house from ripe and unripe mangoes?

Make a list of all the different types of pickles that you know about, and share with your friends.

Find out and discuss

Is there any kind of pickle made in your house? What kind of pickle is it? Who makes it? From whom did they learn to make the pickle?

What all things are needed to make any one type of pickle in your house? How is the pickle made? Find out the recipe and write

How are these things made in your house.

Papad • Chutney • Badiyan • Sauce

It is a two-day journey by train from Pune to Kolkata. If you were to go on this trip, what food items would

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